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how to limit Heli use by TAG name ?

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If I wanted to limit who can acess a chopper by there TAG's how would I do this ? i.e -TAG-name1, -TAG-name2 , player1, player2 etc..

So only a player with -TAG- can get into and fly a chopper ?


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if you mean clan tag. there is no way to do that, only way to do that is to check by id

else you can define all pilots.

pilots = [tag1,tag2,tag3,so on] ;
#define pilots [tag1,tag2,tag3] 

depending on how you do it.

then use a getin event or make a loop script on the heli that checks if a player with tag is in driver seat.

if ((!player in pilots) && (player == driver heli)) then { player action["eject",vehicle player];};

hope you get the idea

Edited by nuxil

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Many thanks,

So there is no way to strip down the players name and just get

the first 5 digits ? As I know the clan tag will be 5 digits long so if it does not match pilots eject them?

If not them i presume the only way would be to write a complete list :(


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Not sure you can the actual TAG itself cause that works different, than your name. So unless your name actually includes the TAG then I don't think you can get it, but if you can then:

private ["_i","_codep","_char","_nameArray","_tagStart","_actualTag","_tagText"];
//Get name and first letter (tag opener)
_nameArray = toArray(name player);
_tagStart = toString [_nameArray select 0];
//What's inside the tags [X] or -X- or =X=
_actualTag = [];

//Start at second letter
_i = 1;
_codep = _nameArray select _i; //code point
_char = toString [_codep]; // The char-string
while {_char != _tagStart && _i < (count _nameArray)} do {
   _actualTag set [count _actualTag, _codep]; //Save it
   _i = _i + 1;
   _codep = _nameArray select _i;
   _char = toString [_codep];
_tagText = toString _actualTag;
//Return _tagText

Code is untested, however, I did give a check through squint.

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The Player name will be -TAG-somename for all clan members - so ill give your code a try and get back to you - much appreciated - trying to lock down the apache to just clan members

Cheers again

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name player will never show you the -tag-name

what you need is getPlayerUid

if you have a squad.xml you already know the Id for the players , so its just the mattre of putting them in a array,

_all_ids = [000000,111111,222222,333333,444444];
_player_id = getplayerUid player;

if ((!_player_id in _all_ids) && (player == driver vehicle player)) then {player action["eject",vehicle player];};

Edited by nuxil

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