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Proximity trigger on a randomly placed object

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I have a training mission where the players have to find an object to clear the task.

I have a burning barrel with placement radius og 50m


_nul=execVM "BarrelTrigger.sqf"



_Pos=getpos Barrel;
_BarrelTrigger = createTrigger ["BarrelTrigger", _Pos];
_BarrelTrigger setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false];
_BarrelTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "BarrelFound = true",""];

For debugging I have a trigger that activates if Barrelfound is true, but that never fires.

What am I missing?

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you can also use nearestObjects to accomplish this.

something like this.

_radius = 50;
_classes = ["Man","Car","Tank","bla bla"];

while {!BarrelFound} do
   _objects = nearestObjects [barrel,_classes,_radius];
   if (count _objects > 0) then {BarrelFound = true;};
   sleep 1;
hint "BarrelFound";

alltho this doesnt check which side the _object is on. to do that you can replace the if in the loop with something like this,

for "_i" from 0 to (count _objects -1) do
   if (side _objects select _i == WEST) then {BarrelFound = true;};

this is not related to triggers. but another way to solve the problem, :)

ps nothing is tested. only pseudo code

Edited by nuxil

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great timing for this thread bcoz i need the same question answered -

i have "box1" that had 3 random spawns around the map and i want a trigger to fire that objective is complete when you walk up to the box.

how to do it though?



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Name the trigger and attach it to the box.

nameOfTrigger attachTo[box1, [0,0,0]];

in the box's init.

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