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co24@ Hot Zone [LOL] Edition

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Current Status: Updated V1.6

The mission is a remake of the original Hot Zone except it takes place on Winter Kodiak Island. If you remember the StandOff missions this is similar. I added 16 more slots to total 24 playable units. 6 groups of 4.


Defend the area!

Required Mods:



You can download the [LOL] Extras Addon & LOL Addon Installer here. It's the top file 633MB that contains a bunch of Addons.

- Download co24@ Hot Zone [LOL] Edition here -



-first release


-briefing edited. First line in plan didn't show.

-added cover in LZ.

-changed two waypoint errors.

-changed flyinheight of SU's.


-fixed intro on/off.

Edited by Rexxenexx

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hi, rexx

was only couple of minutes to test it.

1. i noticed no brief, is it accidently or...?

2. no place to hide at LZ any chance to drop some farm buildings or stones, i smell fail without any cover :)

saturday night test again? like last time? other members can join again and i bet Zulu too ;)


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Hang on don't edit it yet. I'll add some cover if it is too hard, but I've beaten this with 4 people before minus the enemy armor so I think its very possible to beat it with 24 people. The players who die can watch the slaughter with the spectator script. ;)

StandOff missions are like this. Short (less than 30min) missions with swarms of enemy coming to you. Briefing should just show the start location, and when trouble happens it activates (unhides) the objective 1. It's simple. You'll see. We'll do it Sat. I'll see if I can get on like an hour or more earlier than last time so we have more time to mess around.

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ur last 2 missions now much attractive with ur changes. im tried it on server.

ill upload 'em tomorrow to our public servers.

good missions, totally fits into our server/players behave.

short (under 30 min), no need much coop, eventful. thanks.

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