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Dev: AutoDanger/No Menu 7-5 "careless" question?

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I just tested in the editor a way to fix the auto danger issue and it kinda worked.

Thing is, its already in the game, but you as the squad leader dont have access to it via the command menu.

Here is what I did. Everyone knows that once units are in auto danger shit takes ages to get done. So I took a small infantry team into contact, but for the medic I had a repeatable radio command that set him to medic setbehavior "careless"; (which set the whole squad to careless, but thats beside the point). The moment I gave that order it went out of autodanger and ran strait to the guy he was going to heal. No, stop shot, look around etc...

So the question is simple.

Why isnt there "careless" behavior in menu 7?

Menu 7 is even missing the command 5 for just that action.

Why not add it to the game BIS?


Just to add. This does not work if its a radio command for medic setbehavior "safe";. Which will NOT take them out of autodanger.

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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Set your troop to Formation Column(close)(~-8-8) or Delta(~-8-9) to have the AI stop using bounding overwatch.

Warning. This essentially makes the AI fearless muppets who will largely be unable to deliver effective returnfire.


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Set your troop to Formation Column(close)(~-8-8) or Delta(~-8-9) to have the AI stop using bounding overwatch.

Warning. This essentially makes the AI fearless muppets who will largely be unable to deliver effective returnfire.


I think you are missing the point.

I know the "change formation trick" to force the ai to move a bit faster, but "careless" stance takes them out of autodanger.

The red danger icon goes away when the enter careless, unlike all the other modes when first in autodanger. If you then could set one unit to careless you could do so when only they needed to mount a gun, or heal a soldier while the rest kept shooting.


If 7-5 Careless was added to the game. Which it seemingly is no reason why it shouldnt be fully possible to do and it under the same context would take the AI out of autodanger it would give people a way to fully circumvent the autodanger issues. Want the medic to heal someone strait away? Okay, Fx-7-5(careless), Fx-6-1(first option is always heal if someone is hurt) and he would run strait to the downed soldier.

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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Well check out the latest beta, I had a team under fire and were staying in danger mode by auto switching to that mode under fire. They notified "clear" alot quicker and went out of danger mode auto pretty fast.

I then had the same situation again and this time thought it seemed clear so set them to aware, they switched over on my command (which was an issue before).

So I think the beta's and for next patch that issue isn't so much of a ball ache.

I guess having the option to be careless maybe be deemed a little odd to have, IE telling your men to be careless is strange, and only good for scripting. Although if carless means "haul ass" then thats a helpful one.

Its either that or now you know what to select, we need an addon version of it via menu option to select it via script! Get on it!

Edited by mrcash2009

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Well check out the latest beta, I had a team under fire and were staying in danger mode by auto switching to that mode under fire. They notified "clear" alot quicker and went out of danger mode auto pretty fast.

Thats all well and good, but...

Although if carless means "haul ass" then thats a helpful one.

...as you yourself put it. In actual combat, where autodanger is valid and most of the time doing its job, its still useful to have the "haul ass" order and in my view just even renaming it in the squad leader menu would make it stand out as such in regards to the safe option (7-4)

Its either that or now you know what to select, we need an addon version of it via menu option to select it via script! Get on it!

I am not sure you can actually change the menu ingame. Someone plz correct me if I am wrong, but apart from Customs, Communication and Radio I dont think you can add anything else. But I think that 7-5 is there its just ignored deliberately because it, on the surface, might seem its to similar to SAFE and unless the AI is sent to do something heal, pick up weapon, mount a tank etc, they act a little strange.

It would just be great to at least have a replay as to the actual reason careless isnt in the menu.

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