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AI How to get them to fly somewhere? OA

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Hey guys, Doing a custom mission at the moment, And I've got my guys miles away from the destination, And I was wondering, How do I make the AI fly ? I'm terrible at it and would rather the AI just fly to a location, Also, How do you get them to land at certain spots "if possible?" If they can't fly you anywhere, then whats the use of them being allowed in pilot seat?... So frustrating, Over and hour now sitting here trying to get him to fly listening to the stupid plane engine as it idles there

I've found an Air base, And we are all in it, And the "Pilot" Is in the plane, Now I was thinking, Shouldn't I just have to go into the map, Say "Go there" And they should fly there since I've already given them the command too get in the plane?

I've told them where to go, We are all in the plane, But the pilot just sits there going "Roger That" Etc too my command of moving..... Zzzz

Thanks for the help.

Edited by Josheh

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If the AI pilot is in your group, then just select him, click on the map, and he will fly there. To get him to land tell him to disembark; but make sure you have a nice flat, open field as they usually need a nice big landing zone.

If they're not in your group, then the mission maker needs to either add waypoints or make a script that allows you to use the radio to control them.

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Thanks, It just says some guys name and then "Pilot" Because he's in the pilots seat, That might be why? :S.... I'm not a pilot in the game, How come I can fly but not the others in my group?

And I don't know if you're suuppose to be able to fly in the game, But theres 2 air fields, And I just can't get them to fly..... Wish the game was a little more simple.

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check your radio- options: ie 0-8-support and then click on map- destination.

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