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AI refuses to fire Javalins?

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I have a mission where a squad have to assault a village and rescue a hostage. Down a valley passage, two trucks with opfor troops will come down via a trigger, I have set up two guys with Javalins on a mountain overlooking the pass to intercept them and take them out on the way.

The problem is they just watch the trucks drive on by...

They won't fire for some reason, and I can't think of a reason why. I haven't done anything to them, they have no waypoints, all they have is this in their init:

this setUnitPos "MIDDLE"; removeAllWeapons this; this addMagazine "Javelin"; this addWeapon "Javelin";

Can anyone think of why they won't fire? They aren't too far away, they are at a perfect range to take them out? :confused:

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I remember watching a youtube video comparing ARMA 2 and OFPDR. For most things, OFPDR failed (things such as AI, tactics and etc) whilst ARMA preformed very well. The only time arma failed was the comparison between the anti-tank troops (when the arma anti tank unit failed to destroy the target within a very large given time). So I think it may just be due to the fact that the ARMA 2 anti-tank AI is a bit "slow". Have you tried giving them more time?

One more thing: Why don't you use

private ["_ATsoldier1", "_ATsoldier2", "_Truck1", "_Truck2"];
_ATsoldier1 = _this select 0;
_ATsoldier2 = _this select 1;
_Truck1 = _this select 2;
_Truck 2 = _this select 3;

_ATsoldier1 doTarget _Truck1;
_ATsoldier2 doTarget _Truck2;

_ATsoldier1 doFire _Truck1;
_ATsoldier2 doFire _Truck2;

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I remember watching a youtube video comparing ARMA 2 and OFPDR. For most things, OFPDR failed (things such as AI, tactics and etc) whilst ARMA preformed very well. The only time arma failed was the comparison between the anti-tank troops (when the arma anti tank unit failed to destroy the target within a very large given time). So I think it may just be due to the fact that the ARMA 2 anti-tank AI is a bit "slow". Have you tried giving them more time?

One more thing: Why don't you use

private ["_ATsoldier1", "_ATsoldier2", "_Truck1", "_Truck2"];
_ATsoldier1 = _this select 0;
_ATsoldier2 = _this select 1;
_Truck1 = _this select 2;
_Truck 2 = _this select 3;

_ATsoldier1 doTarget _Truck1;
_ATsoldier2 doTarget _Truck2;

_ATsoldier1 doFire _Truck1;
_ATsoldier2 doFire _Truck2;

I'll try that, as for have I given them more time, yes I have. The trucks are in the AT gunner's sights for an ample amount of time.

Where do I put that code?

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I'll try that, as for have I given them more time, yes I have. The trucks are in the AT gunner's sights for an ample amount of time.

Where do I put that code?

You need to put it in a notepad, and save it as an sqf file. For example "AT.sqf". Then put the file in you mission directory (usually in mydocuments/Arma2/missions/your mission's name.

Then, say your using a trigger to cause the AT soldiers to fire (for example by setting the conditions to "OPFOR" and "PRESENT"), in the onActivation box of the trigger put:

MyProcedure = [ATsoldier1, ATsoldier2, Truck1, Truck2] execVM "AT.sqf"

Where ATsoldier1 and ATsoldier2 are the names of your anti-tank soldiers (or whatever else you have named them), and Truck1 and Truck2 are the names of your two target trucks.

Hope it helps

EDIT: Check out this video. Take a good look at the anti-tank comparison part. You'll see what I was talking about:

Edited by kyfohatl

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