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Multiple turret issues

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Hey All,

So I've been experimenting with multiple turrets via setpos and such but am having problems with the results in game. I know this has been done before so I located an addon that has succesfully done this. In this case the Land Raider from the warhammer 40k mod.

Now when using the Land Raider the setpos turrets are stuck to the side and move perfectly with the tank. But when I try and do this to my addon (A british army WMIK) I have the problem of when turning the "turret" (GPMG) moves far away from the vehicle. I've obviously set this up wrong when tweaking the setpos values to sit correctly but I dont have the faintest idea of how to do this properly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



EDIT. Sorry just realised I've put this i the wrong section. Sorry.

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Post the script here mate and somebody should be able to help you.:)

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Hey Chops,

Just before I read your message I managed to fix it (dont know how though). Cheers anyway though.



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Have you used some type of dark magic to accomplish this?

Sticking a turret on anything with setpos,is awkward and CPU intensive.

The results are often not worth the hassle.Especially when you try driving

up an incline.

If by some miracle you get something usable,that looks "normal",do post

back with your findings. :)

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Unfortunatly its the normal solution there for looks ugly. I'm also having to sort out the MP issues but am sure I can sort it. Although it didnt appear to be CPU intensive and my processor is crappy I've yet to try it in a normal mission though so results are not yet in. It does also look worse than the one I was copying from as when moving it causes a double look effect but I think this is due to having the gunner proxy visible. I'll keep working on it though and will let you know of any improvements.

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Ok.I admire your persistence. :)

One unit wouldn't be much of problem.Maybe even a couple.But it could

get laggy very quickly in combination with high counts in polys/verts/textures.

Not to mention the other processes fighting for CPU time.

Just don't get too annoyed with it,if it doesn't work.The issue has been

a point of discussion for a few years.Something that I believe has since

been addressed,with the newer titles.

But OFP is stuck with whatever it has,in this,and other departments.

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