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Help with Ambient Combat Module

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I was checking out the huge thread about ACM and I read it thoroughly through; but unfortunately, I had no idea what the heck people are talking about. Is there anyone with a guide or tutorial video about this? I need major help in a simplified manner... I'm hoping to be a good map editor =)

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I have given a reletively complete (I hope) and quite simplified answere on how to use the ACM module, and how to define parameters for it in this thread:


Just remember, to use ACM, you need to place one on the map and Synchronize it to a unit. To define the parameters or do other stuff, just check out the thread that I provided the link to.


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place a unit on a map (any map)

save mission (name it anything you want)

create an init.sqf inside the mission folder.

paste this inside the init.sqf

waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}};

waitUntil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"};

sleep 5;

[1.0, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;

[bIS_ACM, 150, 500] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc;

[["BIS_TK", "BIS_US"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc;

[0.5, 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc;

[0.8, 0.9, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc;

["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;

["air_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;

go back to your mission and save it again (dont know if you need to but its always better safe then sorry:)

Hit preview, run around a bit or just sit back and wait....

I'd say about two minutes and youll have an instant war :)

oh and dont forget to name the ACM moduel "BIS_ACM"

Edited by KillSh0t

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