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Things that bug me in ArmA2

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Some little things I find frustrating...

Modules where you are subordinate and orders are called out in Czechoslovakian (or whatever language it is). Haven't got a clue what is being said and the text sometimes scrolls so fast you can't read it. And yes-I do have all 3 in the English version :p

Modules that don't allow team switching. When you die ..it's start all over again.

When you're wounded and have no medic you end up only being able to crawl. Takes friggin forever to get anywhere. :p . Medics aren't all that reliable anyway and throw in no team switching so you can't assume the roll and heal yourself .. well..it's start all over again.:mad_o:

The scripting language. Considering that ArmA2 was written in a structured language (primarily C++ IIRC) and all the structured languages I've used use:

returnvalue FunctonName(variables)




but not ArmA2. Sometimes you use () , sometimes you use {} , sometimes you don't use either....:confused:

Kinda like trying to learn Swahili.

Spend a lot of time in the editor to circumvent some of these problems.

Other than those minor little irritations..loving ArmA2 and the efforts the developers are putting in to make it even better.

PS.. I don't have any technical issues (FPS , crashes etc.) with ArmA2 so don't have any complaints about performance. Others may.

Edited by BeerHunter

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Czechoslovakia no longer exists. There is now only the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Therefore, they speak Czech, and they speak it because they're either Czech or Chernarussian forces. It doesn't make much sense having them speaking in English, let alone with American or British accents. None of the default modules affect this.

None of the default modules prevent team switching, and Arma 2 is a simulator. In real life, you don't have the ability to switch to a different body. By default - you die, you're dead. You can only team switch to a different squad member if they are set to "Playable" in the Mission Editor, or if you're playing MP with respawns, or if the mission is specially scripted.

The scripting language is actually pretty basic at it's core, but you're right that it has some irregularities. Nonetheless, practicing with it is the only way to learn it.

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But...no one goes into combat or joins a force UNLESS they can speak the language or have in interpreter beside them.

In the CAF , if you speak only English then there's not a hope in hell of getting into a French battalion and vice versa.

Haven't found an "official" scenario yet that allows team switching.

It's not a TRUE simulator (in what mans army can an infantry soldier climb into an A10 , or an A10 pilot climb into a C130?). Allowances were made for the sake of game play so why not include team switching.

Most custom content does...

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Team switching is there, it's just not part of the missions you're playing.

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Sometimes you use () , sometimes you use {} , sometimes you don't use either....:confused:

To help clear up your confusion you should try reading a SQF Tutorial and paying more attention to other people's examples. Usage of () and {} doesn't change, they both have specific uses. Just like they do in other structured languages. :)

Edited by kylania

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Modules where you are subordinate and orders are called out in Czechoslovakian

Yes, this is indeed very annoying. It's impossible to understand what they say without reading which is a bad distraction during action.

Modules that don't allow team switching. When you die ..it's start all over again.

Don't get shot and this won't be an issue.

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Why every thread you start here is bitching and moaning about the game? I checked a lot of your threads and everywhere it's the same.

Seriously, if that game bothers you that much why don't quit and move on to something that suits you more?

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Why every thread you start here is bitching and moaning about the game? I checked a lot of your threads and everywhere it's the same.

Seriously, if that game bothers you that much why don't quit and move on to something that suits you more?

I removed my comment as it's below my level of maturity to even respond to a statement like this.

I would have deleted the post entirely but apparently you can't on this BBS.

Edited by BeerHunter
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Why every thread you start here is bitching and moaning about the game? I checked a lot of your threads and everywhere it's the same.

Seriously, if that game bothers you that much why don't quit and move on to something that suits you more?

40% of your posts are you moaning and complaining.

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