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Constant crashes

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Mmm yeah, that sounds stuck, but the fact that the launcher is stalling is telling us something, possibly that your problem does indeed lie with your addons. For the time being, keep removing addons and testing. Does the launcher stall if you start with no addons at all?

I still maintain that your ArmA2 experience is always going to be badly compromised by your system. I know that's not much help to you, but it's my diagnosis.

If your motherboard will allow it, you could get up to E8600 or Q9650 in there. That would dramatically improve things. You need more RAM too. Your GPU is really holding you back as well.

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This is insane as these 50 mods are loaded at the launching of the game which will overload your system

I agree, however I built WarMod with over 100+ mods and made them compatible, ect and it works np, no errors, no crashes.

Ray you used a mod folder or did you put all the addons, and mods you downloaded into your addons folder in the main Directory?

By all rights if you used the mod folder method you should have no crashes, or errors,

if however you have them in your addons folder well thats your problem, in this situation your best bet is to manual

uninstall the addons folder, and then opn your disc and drag and rop the addons folder from there and then patch your game,

thats if you put them in your main addons folder.

I do not want to redownload CAA1, so can anyone provide me the file please?

Where do you have your Caa1 files located? in a folder that says @caa1 in your main directory?

Lets just say this, Never put anything in the main addons folder in the main directory of the game,

either use mod folders, or a launcher.

For mods if you have 50+ mods then you have to determine which mods have what so you are not loading

mods with the same stuff. you can put mods together into a 1 or a few mod folders, instead of having a mile

long target line, just make sure that, addons, and mods together arn't doing the same things. for example

a mod folder that has islands only , you can have a folder that says @Islands.

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I've never placed them in the main one, I learned it quite a while ago. I placed them in modfolders. But attempting to save space and being lazy, I made a folder called @addons and throw in any jets units or guns I downloaded inside.

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Hmm that could be an issue, what I suggest, is keep cars, units, and planes, and islands seperate in their own mod folders.

I have a folder that is nothing but planes and choppers, so all addons related go there, then I have same for islands.

What you can try is remove the mods from your target line or make a shortcut with them removed,

and try the game without the mods and see if your game is still crashing, if its not crashing then your going

to have to look through your mods and determine which mod is crashing your game.

You probably would have posted it already but do you get any errors coming up when or before your game crashes?

Also you should check your Rpt which is the log for your game, which should tell you which addon/mods are

giving you trouble, or anything else for that matter, this should have been suggested earlier,

as that should be one of the first places you should check if your not getting error messages on the screen.

Path for the RPT is:

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\ArmA 2\Arma2.rpt

when you find it post what it lists after your game crashes again.

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