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Falcon 1

Camo net shadow lod problems

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Hi guys

I've been working on a tent pack for our Mod and ran into a little snag. (Hoping someone over here might be able to help me out with some info please?)


Included in our tent pack I made some camonets and got the modeling, texturing and mapping down, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to make the net's shadow lod semi see-through like BIS did with their camo nets...

I opened the BIS model and saw they added the texture to the shadow lod where you usually don't, and got the shadow working correctly in O2 when you view the shadow lod in bulldozer... But as you can see ingame it just remains solid.


I've tried everything, and anyone who knows how this is done's help would really be appreciated. Here's a pic of the standard BIS camonet and the way the shadow is supposed to look ingame:


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So did you get the shadow to work properly on your tent in buldozer? Haven't had a look at it but I'd guess that the texture is some kind of alpha texture map that tells the shadow which bits are see through and which aren't. Will have a look a bit later for you. (although i'm probably not too much help)

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Thanks for your help guys!! :yay: FINALLY got it to work right after some experimenting:


The only way I got it to work was by deleting the Shadowvolume Lod completely and then by adding "Shadow = Hybrid" in the properties of the 1st Lod of the model. Also had to make sure the alpha channels of my textures are right.

I have another question though:

Every time we model in O2 - the faces are generated with this type of shading or shadow created in O2, that doesn't match the orientation of the models ingame. How does one get rid of this as I haven't seen any other mods, modellers or even BIS models having the same problem? (It's not the shadow lod sticking out of the model/bleeding through... This happens before we even add a shadow lod and seems to happen only with O2 and not 3DMax or any other program)



Any help would again be appreciated ;)

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that happens because of smooth edges just select the left side for example and press "U" to make it a sharp edge

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