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"Statistics" question? End of mission

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In the "Statistics" screen - Those enemy KIA - Are those of ONLY those directly killed by your unit? Or would they include those you have called in airstrikes on -

Just curious. I recently had an mission where I called in a precision airstrike. I was about 90% confident the airstriked killed the target I was going after. I then took my small team and EVAC out. Yet, I noticed on the statiscits screen my target was not listed as KIA. Is this likely because only those directly killed by your unit are listed...


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Yes, you are right. only the enemies you killed by yourself with your unit are listed in the statistics.

You could however, write your airstrike script so, that it recognizes killed enemies and adds points to the players score. But i don't know if you can make them appear in the list of killed enemies...

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