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Tide/Water level Arma 2 Utes?

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After searching the forum there is no mention of adjusting the water level in Utes--- I think this would be a feature where boats could come in more inland to engage in combat.

Can you adjust the water level?

It makes more sense that changing weather conditions would also change tides.

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As far as I know the sea level already rises & falls with tides. Maybe not by much - I've never seen sand flats emerge - but I expect that's down to map design.

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Tide level depends on date and time. Play with those values to see how it changes.

Edited by ProfTournesol

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Every time I have suggestions people just like to put wood on my fire---It is becoming far too obvious just how contrary the intent has become.

The tides don't change in Utes night or day. This Utes island is missing a huge factor in combat fighting--- It should change over 100meters of combat area.

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Well I don't know what else to tell you. I just tried it just now and the tide changes with time. It doesn't change by much, as I said, but the mechanism is there. It sounds like you need an increase in tide variance. I'm not being contrary, I'm just letting you know what I know. You might say that another effect of the intent [sic] is oversensitivity :)

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It makes more sense that changing weather conditions would also change tides.

Why ? Tide doesn't depend on weather conditions but on the position of the sun and of the moon (and it changes with the latitude, longitude of the island, and the time of the day, and the month of the year), which is calculated by a formula by the engine.

From the wiki :

Formulas used in OFP for tide levels and sun and moon positions.

In early October 2002, Ondrej Spanel, BIS' lead programmer, published some snippets of C++ code used in OFP to calculate tide levels and the position of the sun and moon. Here they are, for your reference pleasure:

Tides formula:

const float maxTide=5;

Vector3 sunDir = sun->SunDirection();

Vector3 moonDir = sun->MoonDirection();

Vector3 sunTide = sunDir[1]*sunDir;

Vector3 moonTide = moonDir[1]*moonDir;

float tide01 = (sunTide.Y()+moonTide.Y())*0.5;

float tideAbs =maxTide*tide01;

Note: BI is aware that the tide formula contains an error. The correct formula should be:

float tide=(fabs(sunTide.Y())+fabs(moonTide.Y())*0.5;

BIS did not correct this, as it would make many older missions unplayable.

Sun and moon position formula:

float latitudeCoord = world ? world->GetLatitude() : -40*H_PI/180; Matrix3 moonOrbitAngle(MRotationZ,5*H_PI/180);

Matrix3 earthAxis=Matrix3(MRotationX,23*H_PI/180);

Matrix3 latitude(MRotationX,latitudeCoord); // -40 - Croatia, -90 - north pole

const float initMoonOnOrbitPos=0.5;

const float day=1.0/365;

const float lunarMonth=28*day;

float timeInYear = Glob.clock.GetTimeInYear();

float timeOfDay = Glob.clock.GetTimeOfDay();

float moonOnOrbitPos=initMoonOnOrbitPos+timeInYear*(1.0/lunarMonth);

Matrix3 moonOnOrbit=moonOrbitAngle*Matrix3(MRotationY,moonOnOrbitPos*(H_PI*2));

Matrix3 earthOnOrbit=Matrix3(MRotationY,timeInYear*(H_PI*2));

// note - midnight is on the point furthest from the sun Matrix3 midnightToCurrent=Matrix3(MRotationY,timeOfDay*(H_PI*2));

// calculate sun and moon position relative to current postion Matrix3 cameraToCosmos=earthAxis*midnightToCurrent*earthOnOrbit*latitude;

Matrix3 cosmosToCamera=cameraToCosmos.InverseRotation();

// use rotation of PI/2 to achieve this

Matrix3 normalDirection(MRotationX,-H_PI/2);

Matrix3 convert=normalDirection*cosmosToCamera;



// reverse N-S, W-W


_direction[2]=-_direction[2]; _moonDirection[0]=-_moonDirection[0];




Edited by ProfTournesol

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Every time I have suggestions people just like to put wood on my fire---It is becoming far too obvious just how contrary the intent has become.

The tides don't change in Utes night or day. This Utes island is missing a huge factor in combat fighting--- It should change over 100meters of combat area.

Let me quote wikipedia:

Coastal tidal ranges vary globally and can differ anywhere from near zero to nearly 12 meters (38 feet).
The smallest tidal ranges occur in the Mediterranean, Baltic, and Caribbean Seas.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_range

So your request of "It should change over 100meters of combat area" is simply ridiculous.

I guess this fits with the fictional geographical position of ArmA 2 islands.

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Myke;1765649']Let me quote wikipedia:

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_range

So your request of "It should change over 100meters of combat area" is simply ridiculous.

I guess this fits with the fictional geographical position of ArmA 2 islands.

The Green Sea is essentially the Black Sea and should have even smaller tides.

If the water on one side of the island was a very shallow mudflat or sandbar you could well have 100m of extra space. Of course, you would have to be insane to set foot there during a firefight unless you were reenacting Omaha Beach.

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