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How to setup working with non PBO'ed files?

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I have to the best of my abilities tried to read and grasp CMA, but I'm really not getting anywhere. Btw, that page also contains some probably helpful links, except I get You are not authorized to access this page.

I've setup my little project as:

...\ArmA 2\x\addons\BiB_Ambience\

which has the config.cpp and other needed files and directories.

...\ArmA 2\x\addons\$PBOPREFIX$ reads:


If I don't pbo the addon (from its directory), nothing in it will get loaded.

If I do have the pbo, it will load, but unpacked data will not be read.

Changes to the unpacked data will not affect anything, even after restart.

BI Tools are installed and P: drive points to Arma2, but I don't understand the connection here. What purpose does it have (for me)?

Edit: No wait, it points to some part of the editing tools, probably the ArmaWork thngy.

I've tried a lot of different setups, but not one has given success.

What is it that I'm not getting?

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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