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5th Special Forces Group

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75th Ranger Regiment

The 75th Ranger Regiment realism unit is a unit in which enforces a realistic type approach to the game ArmA2: OA like many other realism units but as we portray a special operations unit, we create more of a advanced, specialised point of training and conflict experience by teaching more in-depth skills and techniques, this then allows the serving men to fight with more mind set the average online soldier.

The skills you will be taught in the 75thRR may also be used in real life as what we teach you is from real life experience and pre-taught knowledge, the current serving personnel within the 75thRR realism unit range from soon to be soldier’s to active or ex-military personnel meaning what we teach you is coming from real experience.

Recruits will go through a series of courses and tests to make sure that they are ready to take on the challenges the 75thRR will come across in conflict. These courses will range from Navigation to learning and familiarizing with various U.S. and foreign weapons.

If you have any questions or concerns contact me here or at

Xfire: jakethesnakkee

Email: jakethesnakkee@aol.com

TS3 IP: Port:7010

Edited by jakethesnake245

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Is a mic/headset required because I can't find the charger to my mic and currently have to speak with type. And is there an age limit? I'm 15 but mature.

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Update: 5thSFG Renamed to 75thRR

New structure, Website, New Mission!

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There aren't any updates since 2 years, now guess why the website probably isn't working anymore. Also Squad threads aren't discussion threads. Such questions belong into PM's.

Thread closed, if the OP want to continue, he knows where the key is.

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