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Server Sided Coding

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Ok, the title kind of gives this thread away. But some people might get the wrong impression.

Im not talking about (isServer)

Im talking about sending a variable to the server, the server reading/accepting it, and then sending commands back to the player in question.

Ive got all of the script done. And it works, IF I start up my own server. Once I put it on a dedi server it fails.

So I need some tips on how to get the client to send varibles to a script on the main server, then the server then to send commands and variables back to the player. I think the first bit is done, but the secound half of the script (Server-Client) Isn't working.

Any Tips?

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Thanks for the links, except something of the sort in Zargabad soon. However, I have a LOT to work on now, this has been sidetracked.

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Most of the scripts i write are run only on the server and to get the info that is needed to the player i send it to an object on the map and have it trigger what needs to be seen by players ,,

this sends a hint to all players

even tho the script is server run only i use a flagpole as an object here

if (_marker == "base1") then {_flag setVehicleInit "hint ""WEST HAVE BASE 1""};


clearVehicleInit _flag;


this kicks a dead ai out of a vehicle even after the ai no longer has show up in any scripts , in fact its the only way i found to get them out so the vehicle shows up as usable to other AIs

(_sld) addEventHandler ["killed", {(_this select 0) setpos [(getPos (_this select 0) select 0) - 2,(getPos (_this select 0) select 1) - 1,0];unassignVehicle (_this select 0);}];

i dont know if this will help but if it works on your pc and not a server find what info is not making it through and send it via an object to broardcast it , easiest way i have found to do that is by use of hints and titletext ,

Edited by Zonekiller

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