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Mission ending objectives are dumb

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my MAIN objective in the campaign missions I make is THAT the player lives.

I won't end the mission for a failed objective at the same token I won't make a mission that ENDS because all objetives are met, that's friggen annoying. The player should end the mission when they want to. They can conclude by looking at the mission log if all objectives are met (and by pop-up messages)

why I posted this? I don't know...

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ahh, you want one a them new fangled dah-namic campaigns... I wouldnt mind havin OFP with a campaign like Commanche Hokum... but I guess that would be askin for too much sad.gif

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Sorry, I like it the way it is.

I think it's more "military minded".

Y'know?  You go out complete the objectives assigned and get home.

It's like you are assigned a task.  All you need to do is complete the damn task.

That is how I gauge my skill.  By completion of the tasks and doing them well.

It's like having a very specific goal.  And acheiving them.  

Determining on your own when you have completed the task is really vague for a warrior to go in and do a job.

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IceFire is spot on. In the US Military kind of perspective.

But I think Redline is just mad.gif because he was playing a really fun mission, then he was interrupted by a Debriefing screen.

Which is sad.gif .

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Depends on the task. For those of you that played my terror tactics mission (Well, the beta anyway, sorry about not being able to end the new one), the end of it is entirely in the players hands.

I think its cool when its simply 'go out and complete the task at hand' when your under the AI's command, but when i'm in charge, i like it to be all my call.

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it's easy to do. when all objectives are completed just add a radio command to end the mission. the player will be able to end it when he/she wants AFTER the objectives are met. personally i like to blow everything up before ending smile.gif

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I understand the complaint. It doesn't bother me too much though some missions are really abrupt. I've had a number of 'kill them all' type missions that do end the instant the last bad guy gets hit by a bullet and that can really jar.

Even a couple of seconds and a 'well done' message can make a real difference.

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I wouldn't mind the view of not going home until the mission is complete, but when your AI teammates refuse to help you complete the mission, it gets a little annoying. In a "for instance," I was playing the mission where you help the guerillas rescue some hostages after a second team destroys a tank. The second team somehow failed to kill the tank, and the rest of my team sat in the woods, refusing to budge. I rescued the hostages, killed the reinforcements that came in a truck, RPG'ed a BMP, and then ran out and RPG'ed the tank. All the while my squad leader was yapping at me to "get back in formation." Buddy, ain't nuthin' gettin' done with you sittin' on yer keester.

The fact that your AI squad will only react to certain events really requires that you be given the option of calling it quits when you feel like you've had enough. Second example: a couple missions earlier my team was sent to rescue the LT that had been ambushed. My team got ambushed. The reinforcements they sent us got wiped out as well. I finally killed all the enemy I could find and moved to the specified location. A 5-ton truck drove up, said something scripted, and then high-tailed it out of there, leaving me to do the Mogadishu Mile. Problem is, when I finally humped it into camp, the mission still didn't end. Seems I needed an leader to call it quits. I even took the 5-ton back to the ambush site and ran around honking my horn with my lights on to draw enemy fire. Replay. Dang it. I really could've used a radio command about then.

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I also prefer designing missions where the objective is to not die. If you're good or lucky, you will also complete your CO's tasks well, but main objective is to survive, as the enemy is always way too strong to eliminate. Those who tries to level the map will fail. That's how I see a good mission. In real life you can't "level the map", or in other words, win a war as one man.

If you kill a hostile, more hostiles might be alerted, or simply if he spots you. All choppers and tanks are locked if you play as infantry. Infantry can't fly. AT weapons are sparse. Tanks are there to fear and avoid. Think before you shoot, is the motto I guess. As soon as player dominates the map, the mission turns from suspence to arcade.

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heh i know what u mean

once i was playing "battlefields" (official single mission) and i was next to a dead bmp when all of the enemy soldiers were dead, i thought i had won but in the distance a small spetz natz squad approached over the mountain, so i started spraying them with my machine gun but then the mission ended! BUT it was a cutscene showing the devastation all around us, and while the cutscene was playing the enemy squad opened fire and killed me and i lost the mission! lol smile.gif

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that's happened to me before. this one mission i liked a lot had dozens of in-game cutscenes in them. at the start, when i started walking towards the enemy base, when i got close to my objective (by that time i was already engaging the enemy, by the time it ended i was dead) then a bunch more.

i especially hate them in tank/chopper/air missions. in tank i'll just get some SABOT slammed into me as i'm sitting there defenseless, air i'll run into a damned mountain.

just thought i'd share my little offtopic story biggrin.gif

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One time I beat a mission after I died!

I was playing "Bomber man".

I had already taken out the convoy, and was sniping the village.

Charlie and Bravo were already alerted and on the move.

They moved in and most of them got killed.

I ran out of sniping ammo.

So I decided to go in and attack the village like a soldier.

I grabbed a dead man's M-16.  The place had been quiet for a bit, so I knew that there must have been very few enemies left.  I was moving around, and had killed a few guys.  I as I moved past a building, I got nailed by a soldier laying prone by some bushes.

It said, "you are dead" and as it showed me laying there, then a fellow soldier walked past my body and nailed the soldier who killed me!

And then it said "Mission Complete" even as I lay there, even with the black bars (they only show up when you are killed) on the bottom and top of the screen.

I read the breifing, it said good job and all that.  And it also showed me as a casualty!!

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By the way, this all happened when I was first playing OPF.

I don't suck like that anymore!!!

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>I read the breifing, it said good job and all that. And it also showed me as a casualty!!


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Guess people always need something to complain about

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Yah, nothing's more fun than complaining...especially when you're right and the people that screwed up are morons. : P

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