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Editing Tutorial DVD

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I am a video editor and 3d animator, I make and sell tutorial dvds so people can follow along with me and learn how to use the software. I really think that someone with enough time and experience could put together a lenghty tutorial dvd on the mission editor. Covering pretty much everything needed for anyone to really pick up what is needed to know. Not only will this cut down the amount of frequent questions in the editing forum but will also help people much easier when the have something they can follow along with on screen. I'm talknig the very basics from triggers and waypoints right up to creating a full campaign with all the scripts (internal and notepad) and covering some of the really complicated things that really frighten most people off. You may find that there could be a huge burst in campins and missions to keep us all busy. Now i have looked on youtube and there are really only a handfull of half decent tutorials out there mainly covering the very basics so i thikn its what is needed.

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Sounds like a good idea, although I don't recall reading any specific questions or requests in your post.

So were you planning on making such a tutorial DVD and asking for help, or just throwing the idea out there? :)

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I think that should go along with Mr. Murrays Editing Bible. Because as soon as the code gets to complicated, People always want to copy'n paste stuff - It even starts when setting units in certain heights, until you get to know about that setpos-getpos-stuff...

So wait until Mr. Murray got his next version Bible up and extend its usability with a work-along clip.



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Sorry I should have been more specific, I would love to make one and i have the time to do it, however I am one of the people who struggle with the editing side of things. I have found my biggest problems being

mission briefing

setting up objectives

External script (notepad) files

creating the actual mission so its not just some saved file in the editor

and the usual internal scripts, codes and triggers

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