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Female voice for logic "commander", possible?

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Setting up an identity to use a female voice doesn't work for male players, which I think is fair enough. But it also doesn't seem to work for game logic objects. Identity using Male01EN works, identity using Female01EN is silent.

Expansion\Addons\dubbingradio_e\RADIO\Female01EN\DEFAULT\ seems to have all we need for a female radio voice, which I would like to use for my logic based HQ ordering us around (like the mission SPE1_LaserShow does but with "mission voices").

Anyone know of a solution to make this possible?

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I do and think it's a great idea, I've just never gotten the time to play with in game voices yet. :)

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In the laser show mission, the Revolver1 has a female voice coming from a male unit. The identity looks like this:

class LadyComm {
	name = "Vanessa Dench";
	face = "Face10";
	glasses = "None";
	speaker = "Female01EN_EP1";
	pitch = 1.0;

I applied it to a male soldier to test, and he speaks with a woman's voice when I order him around. Maybe you just need to use the EP1 extension? Without it, the soldier just beeps his radio back :)

Edited by AZCoder

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Yay!! Appending _EP1 did the trick. Which is weird, because it is not needed (but apparently will also work with it) for the male voices :) Thanks a lot, much appreciated. Finally some variation :)

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Are there any British-sounding female voices in ARMA II? I wouldn't expect there to be, but I thought I'd ask all the same.

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