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Ace wounding system & setdamage

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I've tried setdamage and sethit , unfortunately it doesn't seems to work with ACE wounding module , is there a way to make a unit unconscious so the ace will recognize it and allow use for bandage morphine etc. ?

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I've tried setdamage and sethit , unfortunately it doesn't seems to work with ACE wounding module , is there a way to make a unit unconscious so the ace will recognize it and allow use for bandage morphine etc. ?


This is a Arma 2 & OA editing thread. For those kind of questions you should use the Mod/Addon official thread.


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still , its not exactly off topic is it ?, but if it make you happy than ill do it.

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The problem isn't that it's on or off topic, it's that ACE Wounds uses customized commands and variables for that, most of which people here won't know anything about since ACE is not standard, default, ArmA2.

Read the ACE wiki, I guarantee the answer you're after is in there somewhere. :)

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ok sorry about that, i just cant find the ACE related part of forum, im searching ace wiki but cant find anything i could use.

anyway if its possible i would like to ask moderators to delete this thread.

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Good question, needed it myself and it wasn't anywhere in doc, had to dig for it in the source:

[_unit,_dam,_uncon,_time] call ace_w_setunitdam;

// _unit: unit, well should be clear

// _dam: (0-1) new overall damage the unit receives, pain and bleed will be calulated by this

// _uncon: true, unit will fall unconscious, false not ATTENTION: ONLY VALID IF WOUNDS ISN'T ENABLED !!!!!!!!

// _time: time the unit will stay unconscious

// if wounds is enabled, setting states is possible with the damage value

// case (_dam > 0 && _dam < 0.55) only bleeding and pain

// case (_dam >= 0.55 && _dam < 0.7) unit falls unconscious immediately and wakes up after some time (see _time var), may fall uncon again

// case (_dam >= 0.7) unit falls unconscious immediately and doesn't wake up alone without proper treatment, _time variable not needed in this case

// if wounds is not enabled then the unit will fall unconscious if _uncon = true

Edited by Robalo_AS

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Is there anyway to make an AI go unconscious without them bleeding? Or at least without them being able to bleed out and die?

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seriously, just google "ace set unconscious", first link will have everything you need.

I had just posted this in a thread a few levels down, surprised no one looked at it :(

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This is all ACE related and as such belongs in the ACE thread.

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