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I was wondering if it was possible to play some of the music from the game in OPF in my windows media player.

Not that "Seventh" music. But some of the background music, and how would I do it?

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Ok, I read all that. Can someone explain how to do all that? And so that I do not ruin my game?

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Just use DePBO (or another un-pbo tool) to get the .ogg files out the music pbo. Then install winamp (if you don't have it installed yet). Next, download the .ogg plugin (at winamp site) and install it. Then you'll be able to play them back. I don't see how you would damage your game.

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Ogg codecs work fine with no dammage to your OPF (i recommend u to copy/paste in a different folder the game so u can modify things without having FADE pb).

some of the music/midi are encrypted thought *it freeze your WMedia or other players like RP or Uplyer*

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If u use the latest winamp (2.80 i think it is), u dont need a plugin... the player can automatically play OGG.

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I converted the ogg files using GoldWave converter. Easy, just open the ogg file in GoldWave and then Save As an mp3 file or whatever sound file you want that it supports. No harm to game or computer, the ogg file will be Saved As so it will still be there. If anyone wants GoldWave search the net for it, its only small.

Or GoldWave link might be on Avon's page I can't remember.

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