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What would you like BIS to focus on?

What should BIS focus on?  

545 members have voted

  1. 1. What should BIS focus on?

    • Dedicated Server Optimization
    • Improved Vehicles/Units
    • Improved AI Skills and life like actions
    • Optimized Client FPS/Loading times
    • Improved editing tools
    • Better GUI
    • Improved and new Modules
    • More DLC(Downloadable content)
    • More Islands
    • Single Player

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Single player scenarios.

The community made missions are really nice but never are as cool as the BIS missions!

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I voted for the life like actions... it kills me to be so into the game and then see another unit running and stop dead in his tracks or spin around without moving his legs.

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If you notice, there are actually animations to make turning look more realistic. Turn around in 3rd person, or watch an AI turn around. It's just players in MP who will rotate like that.

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None of that at all. But "AI Improvements comes as close"

Fix the annoying AI Bugs and gamebreakers and im happy.

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With so many very talented graphics and object modders, I do not see me buying DLC of units and islands, or campaigns. I would pay for new and improved "features", though:

1. Improve AI:

1.1 CQB fighting in buildings, shooting from inside buildings (out of windows)

1.2 reduce AI aggressiveness/rashness to less suicidal behavior and make firefights last realistically longer

1.3 incorporate a more powerful wounded treatment and diagnosis system (a la SLX & ACE), and evacuation of wounded to base ("no one will be left behind")

1.4 add a scripting function to determine LOS, line of projectiles, and objects (and selections) in those trajectories

1.5 Get a player command working for squads to search for certain types of cover (house, objects, house and objects, walk behind moving vehicles etc)

2. Improve the Vehicle simulation part to match good plane, helicopter, tank and ship/sub simulations

2.1 tanks: bring inside back, including fully functional gauges, or MFDs and communication assets in modern tanks; a scripting function to determine impact polar coordinates (angles);

2.2 more detailed damage models, which more different (realistic) armor sections, and more parts that can get damaged and lead to loss of more functional parts (all types of electronics, weapon systems etc)

2.3 Split the "ominipotent sensor" into a real separate Radar and IR sensors, which can both be active and passive. UV might not be very useful as it is not that widely used yet. Introduce atmospheric extinction of both, sun blinding of IR, true chaff, flare and ECM countermeasures, etc

2.4 add real, configurable MFDs (like in Janes Longbow etc)

In short, get the air simulation part up to standards that allow to compete with a true simulation. Same for tanks. Doesn't have to reach Falcon 4, Apache Longbow or Steel Beasts, but the closer the better.

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