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UAV Respawning help!

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Hey there!

A friend and I have been tweaking a domination map to suit our wants. so far it's all been going pretty good but we've hit a snag with setting up the UAV and He nor I can make sense of the issue...

here is the code we added to the usual vehicle respawn script used in our mission(some of this is code taken from Big Daddy! TY you were a great help getting us to this point!)

_grp = [_sidep] call x_creategroup;

//UAVMOD synchronizeObjectsRemove [uAVSync];

_pilot = _grp createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", _position, [], 0, "FORM"];

_gunner = _grp createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", _position, [], 0, "FORM"];

UAVMOD synchronizeObjectsAdd [uAV1,UAV_car,UAV_pack];

sleep 1;

_pilot moveindriver UAV1;

_gunner moveingunner UAV1;

_pilot disableAI "AUTOTARGET";

_pilot disableAI "TARGET" ;

_pilot setCombatMode "BLUE";

_pilot setBehaviour "careless";

_gunner disableAI "AUTOTARGET";

_gunner disableAI "TARGET" ;

_gunner setCombatMode "BLUE";

_gunner setBehaviour "careless";

sleep 10;

_pilot move getmarkerpos "base_spawn_1";

anyhow the issue is after a respawn the UAV interface goes FUBAR. it gains the effects of the UAV interface (monochrome colour, grain effect) but the focus of the camera seems to center on the pilot, and the player has no action to take (cannot exit the UAV mode, cannot see the HUD, cannot fire hellfires, cameras locked and non rotatable unlike usual UAV view, cannot change viewing mode) and the view can either be of the back of the UAV (3rd person) or the front landing gear in 1st person.

I believe that the UAV module is remote connecting me to the "pilot" rather than the "gunner", but I have no idea on what I'd need to do to get the module itself to change it's focus.

thank you in advance for all your help


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I'm not even getting the interface to show up (on dedi, works fine in SP). I create the actual UAV on the fly, but the module is preplaced on the map.

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