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Any dedi missions with scripted UAV support?

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Need to learn this UAV stuff. Earlier I've just had some automatic UAV thingy going on giving us some magic info. Now I need a player on dedi to get this system.

So, anyone know a mission with completely scripted UAV? That is, no preplaced objects in the editor. Or at least no preplaced UAV plane.

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Hmm, the silence is deafening :p Ok, anyone knows how to add UAV support to a mission by script, that works on dedi environment? My attempts works fine in SP testing, but (adding action to UAV interface manually) I only get UAV destroyed. Sounds like I'm missing something obvious.

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This is kind of like what I am attempting to accomplish. However I am trying to do a slightly different system. I am using the ULB module with an AH-6J littlebird witch has the laser designator on it. I synced up the AH-6J with the ULB module and instead of the traditional system for the ULB I synced a UAV terminal for control of the LittleBird. Basically this makes for a UAV system that has the ability laser designate targets for the A10 bombs.

Problem I am having now is making a system for the ULB to auto return to base and land on the heli pad where it took off(witch will repair/refuel it). Another problem I am having it RE-Setting the LittleBird to become a ULB after it is repaired/refueled. For some reason once it says "ULB is Destroyed", even after you reapair it, it still says ULB destroyed, indicating that it did not re-sync with the ULB module. So when it respawns or gets repaired it just becomes an Actual chopper again.

Nobody seems to want to respond to my topic either.

I think personally it would be a rather fun system to add to Multi-Player gamemodes as it adds another element of teamwork(since a lot of people don't like carrying a laser with them), it also adds a new approach on how to tear into an objective. You can use the ULB system and have someone else flying an A10. Using the ULB you can laser target AAA installations, Mobile AA(shilkas ect..), artillery emplacements ect.. and the A-10 can pick up the targets and bomb them. Then it makes more clear for the Apaches to come in and take out the armor with their HellFires and snipers to come in and pick off infantry. I think it adds a fun element to the Domination.


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No luck with these guys? I'm interested in doing the same things but can't seem to find the information.

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Sorry, can't help. As I don't use Apaches in my mission I've never had use for ULBs. Although still some problems with the UAV to iron out (I think I know the problem, unlike in vanilla where I didn't understand anything), it is working reasonably well, with proper remote control, waypointing, and altitude control.

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cant help you with a UAV script but i saw somwhere that you can now play video in the gps window ingame, use it as a uav screen came to mind instantly. think it was a function i saw when displaying all the functions window from a trigger. the help or show functions thing.

Not sure when it was added but i guess PMC brought it.

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That wouldn't work, as it requires render to texture, which is now only.in VBS2 1.4. Regarding the ULB i can send you guys a script made by Cyborg11 when I am at home B-)

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