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Set Damage on all East Units

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Looking for a way to kill all the East units (setDamage 1) globably (not just within the trigger).

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What about just the East units that are within a certain trigger and/or marker? Like, once my squad has left the area.

I've learned how to spawn UPSMON squads by trigger as I approach them, but now I'd like to learn how to delete any of them that are left as I move away from the area. I figured I could just kill them, since UPSMON has a "delete" feature which will remove the bodies.

While searching I found this thread, but haven't been able to figure it out just yet;


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have a trigger with anyone present and put this in:

{if (side _x == east AND _x in thisList) then {_x setDamage 1};} foreach allunits;

you can also have a trigger with opfor present and put this in

{_x setDamage 1} foreach thisList;

1st checks all sides and kills east side units inside trigger..

2nd checks east side and kills all east units inside trigger.

Edit: this seems to already be in link you have found.

If you only have units in 1 area at a time, you can use trigger with bluefor NOT present repeated.

then in on activate:

{if (side _x == east AND _x in thisList) then {_x setDamage 1};} foreach allunits;

Edited by Demonized

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Thank you for the reply. Kind of you. I'm still not doing something right though.

I'm spawning the units using UPSMON spawn feature, with a trigger activated by me being present. Which works Ok. Then I'm trying to use example #3 to remove them when I leave, and I even set a hint to make sure the thing fired, which it did, but it's not killing anyone.

I don't doubt your input, it must be me somehow. I just haven't figured out where yet. For example, I thought maybe it was because I'm using TK INS, and maybe they aren't considered "side east", so I changed it to Russians just to test, and they didn't get killed either.

I will say this though - I don't think the 1st two fit the scenario I'm using. #2 for example, is firing just as my opfor are being spawned into the area. But I want opfor to be present while I"m there, it's just when I'm leaving I want them gone (just to ease cpu usage I guess - or so I've read). So I'm not sure that's the right logic.

Anyway. I'm still mulling this over. Thanks again.

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