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About doomanchu

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  1. doomanchu


    I have a mission where I have an alarm that turns on by one trigger, then have another trigger that moves the one with the alarm off the playable area of the map when I want to turn off the alarm sound without deleting anything. This way if you have another objective in your mission that needs an alarm, you can simply have another trigger set up to move the alarm in place again. alarm setPos (getMarkerPos 'alarmoff'); alarm = the name of your alarm trigger alarmoff = a marker on the map where you want the alarm trigger to move
  2. doomanchu

    Stop vehicle being blown up

    You're welcome. Good luck with your mission!
  3. doomanchu

    Gossamer's Warfare --- Variant of Warfare BE

    I really hope someone helps figure that out! I've been looking for a way to do this too.
  4. doomanchu

    Stop vehicle being blown up

    Place the following in your vehicle's init line: this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{(_this select 4) == "PipeBomb"}];
  5. Would love to know how to get engineers to repair to 100% also! Been wanting this for a mission I'm working on...
  6. doomanchu

    Respawn Ammo Crate

    This should do the trick. Just put this in the vehicle's (ammo crate) init line: this allowDamage false;
  7. Does anyone have a "working" example mission on how to get the artillery to work? The example mission on the wiki doesn't seem to work at all.
  8. Got the EH working, my script for spawning units had "if (!isServer) exitWith {};" at the top. It seems event handlers are run on the server and not the client, which was causing my units not to spawn. Without that "if (!isServer) exitWith {};" I'm worried that depending on how many people are connected, the script will run that many times. For example, my script spawns 3 AI on a player. If 2 players are connected, then the script will run twice giving each player 6 AI... or is that not the case anymore?
  9. Is there another way to run a script when a player respawns? The respawn event handler just isn't working for me.
  10. Spawning AI squad members for that player.
  11. Well, the above worked when testing on a lan but not on a dedicated server. What's the best way to get the eventhandler to work on a server?
  12. Open the Init_UPSMON.sqf and change the unit surrenders to 0. //Percentage of units to surrender. KRON_UPS_EAST_SURRENDER = 0; KRON_UPS_WEST_SURRENDER = 0; KRON_UPS_GUER_SURRENDER = 0;
  13. I haven't been able to get the artillery to work. I've followed the instructions posted on the wiki and have yet to see it work. I'm at a lose, I have everything else working great, just not the artillery. I even downloaded the sample mission on the wiki and it's not working on that either!
  14. Figured it out. I'm just running my init lines like this for each of my playable units and it seems to be working great so far! null = execVM "west01.sqf"; this addeventhandler ["respawn","_this execvm 'west01.sqf'"]; That seems to run my script when players join and also when they respawn! Thank you again.
  15. Yes, this solved my problem! this addEventHandler ["Killed",{(_this select 0) spawn {sleep 30; deleteVehicle _this}}]