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co20 Airborne Assault

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Airborne Assault


You have to attack 3 towns. Every town will be protected by many shilkas and other aa-units. There are also heavy armored tanks and a great number of enemy units, which will give you a hard time. The enemy have air-support from time to time. Shilkas will patrol all over Takistan.

You can play as one of 10 pilots or in one of two special forces infantry troops. (Special Forces or KSK) The ground troops can support the air assault with bradleys and linebackers.

Read the briefing / notes to get more information about the features of this mission.

Since version 1.5 you become orders from the hq about sidemissions. This 12 sidemissions are ordered in random and adjusted especially for the special forces inf-troops.

Changelog: (this will be the final release)


# little jip errors (fixed)

# some minor changes

# mhq/ahq actions


# little Codechanges for Bugfixing (sometime strange errors)

# now OA-only ready (no longer Combined Operations are needed)


# 12 random sidemissions, especially for the Special Forces / KSK Squad

# many new Lobby parameters

# Selectable difficult-level

# ACRE compatible (but no requirement!)

# Sandstorms over Takistan

# many more little tweaks


# first release


Mirror Strategyinformer

Have fun!

Edited by [TcB]-Psycho-

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This is great fun - and a perfect size for my server, many thanks!

Is it possible to get an AI gunner in my AH64?


BTW: bekommen = to get (not to become) ;)

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of course,

you can change in the lobby which caracter are an ai. (on/off) gunner and pilot from the choppers are in one team, so you have control of your ai-gunner.

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good mission but why does the hellfire missles not lock on in the apache?

they seem to hit the ground all the time just short of target?

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Good mission but we played it 3 times today and after clearing the 2nd town, the 3rd town cleared itself :confused:

We never got to it and it came up mission complete.

Few more towns be great.

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thanks for feedback!

good mission but why does the hellfire missles not lock on in the apache?

you need a gunner since oa to use the hellfires!

Few more towns be great.

of course, in german boards the users tell me the same wish. a new version comes up in ca. 2 weeks ago... havent mush time in present to rework it faster.

We never got to it and it came up mission complete.

yes, its a bad bug and will look out to fix it. but its a very couriously bug... we will see.


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