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anyway to reduce pop-in?

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im walking along and theres grass, tree limbs ect poping in, is there a way to reduce it cause there is tons of it atm

tryed all diffrent settings but nothing seems to work, specs

phenom 1055t @ 4GHz


win7 64bit

crossfire 5770's

also running eyefinity @ 6036x1080, but its the same whether its 1 monitor or 3


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I think you're actually talking about LOD switching, which is normal. Most systems wouldn't be able to handle high LOD's at the extreme distances in Arma, so they sacrifice visual eyecandy for performance. And as far as I know there isn't any way to change it.

If I've misunderstood and objects are actually popping into view, then that's a whole different problem

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Im not sure LOD is? There already in view, but there not full textures its like half bush, when you get closer the rest pops up

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LOD, is short for level of detail.

And that is exactly what your describing.

The game renders far objects as a simpler version, then swtiches them when they are closer.

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