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Campaign question : where is FOB Reforger?

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I'm playing Campaign and I'm to the point where I have to track down Lopotev and I'm told that I have access to a UAV, and the terminal for it is located at FOB Reforger. But where is that place? I can't find that on the map anywhere. What's an FOB anyway?

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FOB Reforger is the same place you start the mission in. The one where Starforce 21 is parked. IIRC you are asked if you would like to go home or continue the mission, then if you choose to stay the officer gives you a briefing. After the briefing is finished, look behind the officer and slightly to the left. There is a trailer there with arial on top. Walk up to it and there is a small panel on it. Use the action menu on it to operate the UAV.

To steer the UAV open the map while you are controlling it and click on the map. Though as far as I remember, you cant use it straight away, I think I had to go and do something else, and when I came back after a few minutes, it was available.

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