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Set azimut for spawned vehicles

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Thanks. I was looking for setazimut or something with azimut in its name.

Edit: what happens now is that the flying plane spawns in the right direction, but it goes backwards for a few seconds before the pilot corrigates and flies off into some unwanted direction.

Edited by ziiip

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Maybe that can be solved as well?

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_Tdrop 		= getMarkerPos "Tdrop";
_spwn 		= getPos pad;

_westAircraft =
  ["UH1Y","UH-1Y Venom"],
 	["CH_47F_EP1","CH-47 Chinook"],
 		["UH60M_EP1","UH-60 BlackHawk"],
 			["UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1","UH-1H Iroquois"]
			_rnd = floor random count _westAircraft;

_veh = createVehicle [(_westAircraft select _rnd) select 0, _spwn, [], 0, "FLY"];
[color="Red"]_veh setpos [(_spwn select 0),(_spwn select 1),(_spwn select 2)+50];
	_spwndir = [_veh, _Tdrop] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo;
		_veh setdir _spwndir;
			_veh setVelocity [sin(_spwndir)*80,cos(_spwndir)*80,0];[/color]

_tragrp = createGroup West;
[_veh, _tragrp, false,"", "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"] call BIS_fnc_spawnCrew;

Edited by cobra4v320

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Can anyone take a look at this script? The syntax is apparently bad.

obj2 setdir (atan (((getpos obj2 select 1) – (getpos obj1 select 1)) / ((getpos obj2 select 0) – (getpos obj1 select 0))))

Btw this is supposed to make obj2 face obj1.

Edit: apparently my keyboard became funky and inserted a different kind of minus symbol that the game doesnt understand. It's working now.

Edited by ziiip

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