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C-130 Interior

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Before I start, yes, I have searched and have read all related threads. They didn't have what I needed so I decided to post my own threads and didn't want to bump old not-so-related threads.

Anyway, what I'm looking for is the C-130 interior used in the Operation Arrowhead Parachute boot camp mission. In truth I don't really care how I get it, all I want is there to be an open ramp, and no bars in the middle (because you get those bars when you place a regular C-130J on the map, and then call the camera and fly it inside the plane).

Fortunately I don't need to do any mission business with it, this is simply for some filming. I am actually confused about what I've read in the other threads, does the interior ramp really not open? I could have sworn I did it before...

Anyway, any tips would be appreciated. I need to get my hands on that interior somehow, because simply placing a C-130J unit gives me the wrong one, and I can't open the ramp in any way either. Are there custom scripts needed?

Thanks in advance.

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There is a static C130 object somewhere, that's how you get the interior (I believe in that tutorial it gets replaced with a normal C130 once you're out of it).

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This is deffinitely in other threads. But, for the fun of it...

Yes, the C-130J Static (only in Empty) is the C-130J that you can walk around in and open/close the ramp without any special scripts.

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Im not sure where that is. In the empty/air section I only see the regular, pilotable C-130J. There's no C-130s in the empty/static section. Where do I find it?

Edit: Lol, the closest thing I found is a wreck of the C-130. In the empty/wrecks section. But I still need the normal one :p I looked through the whole empty section, where the heck is it?? (I'm running it as combined ops at the moment).

Edit: Yes! I found it!!

Edited by Litos

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Where? Note that I do know myself, but I think it's considered a good thing if people closes their question with the answer when the answer was found. The next guy searching for it would be helped by it.

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Yeah, I was about to edit my post and write the location for that same reason but then I went to get something to eat and forgot about it. Sorry! :p

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