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AI stops responding to orders

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After trying out the instant action (SpecOps) mission in OA.. I noticed one or two of my men stop responding to oders.. they just kind of get stuck. After shooting one and then having my medic heal him, he started behaving for a bit, but then got stuck again.

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Its a known and one of the most annoying bugs.

Sadly some of the core bugs like this, seems to be not worked on from BIS.:(

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Yep it does, but remember dont let yourself get frustrated too fast with the game. theres many annoying stuff, but more cool and endless possibilitys. i recommend you just to learn the editor and have fun with own mission and stuff;) i dont say BIS is not giving good support for the game, but somehow some importants things are not on there priority list, which i dont understand..

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I'm having fun with the game, but it's hard enough to get a handle on all the commands in the menu without having to try and figure out if you're doing something wrong or if it's a bug. I'm suprised this wouldn't be near the top of the 'to fix' list.

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Well.. that sucks.

Arma2 offers a beautiful game engine. Shame the actual gameplay and interface seems tacked on as an afterthought.


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Sometimes if my guys aren't responding, I notice it's because they are focusing on a distant threat. When I tell them to relax they listen to the order, after dicking about for 5 mins, LOL. Or make them lay down , move a bit to here, then get in the frikken humvee already. Phew, they can be dumb, eh? LOL

ALthough I must admit I get a thrill seeing enemy peek around a corner at me, duck back, pop out and frag me. I am saying BRILLIANT as my body seperates into it's smaller components. :)

Edited by Jack_Ryan_

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