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Whatever happened to this?

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It had so much potential. Is it still being worked on? Can we have it please :)


Edited by Soupdragon
Cos the fucking Youtube tags don't work.

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Fixed. :p

Just put the "j5gwK4g78oQ" part between the YOUTUBE tags.

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GRRR why I aughta........... :)

thanks Kylania, it was doing my head in trying to get that damn link to work


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Well I have never seen this, :butbut: ... I think many would want this. Nearly have stacking to walls and more. Reminds me of the interface to Full Spectrum Warrior .. now that had a great AI placement mechanism interface.


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With the quick select system already in the game. You look at stuff and the icon changes, (get in tank), (target enemy) etc. I think a similar system to SWAT 4 would be better.


4 guys selected, aim at house wall = 2 cover one way, 2 cover the other.

3 guys selected, aim at house wall = 1 cover one way, 2 cover the other etc.

3 guys selected, aim at house door = enter and clear pre defined house X

(Each house would have to have its own pre fixed house clearing pattern)

(Or maybe have a system where the clearing is just a list of ai being told to move to house spot 1, 2 ,3 ,4 etc, but it would probably seem wonky on some houses.)

If there where more guys selected to clear a house, lets say max 3, then guy number 4 would just take the same route as guy number 1, but go in after guy number 3 entered the building.

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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