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Cant find Custom "P3d"

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Just a question, if you add a custom object / p3d to your map, and you get

an error in game saying "cant find p3d etc etc" ... how do you fix it?

I can see the object perfectly in Visitor3, but once binarized, I go on to the

map and zoom in and it says that error!

Cant find such and such in ca/objects/etc ... but its there! lol.

Is it something ive got to add in the configs? its a plant, so I thought

plants dont need a config,.. im really just experimenting just now, but would

like some more info!


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Are you maybe trying to load ArmA2 plants (that are unpacked into ur P:\Ca\ folder and work in buldozer) with standalone OA? If so then ArmA2 models won't be loaded. You need to run in Combined Operations mode.

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No mate, ive got the "Clutter_Grass_Wheat" from the Podagorsk map, just experimenting with it on my map, its all ArmA2 im working with just now, ive got the "rvmat" "paa" and the "p3d" for the object, ive put it in my CA folder because thats where it should be, Ive followed the directions from the "$PBOPREFIX$" .. now it loads in to Visitor3, and I can see it clearly etc, but once binarized its not in game and I get that error! :(

So... what am I doing wrong? thanks.

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If it is a custom object you have to load the containing addon with your map. Obviously the p3d can´t be found where it should be...

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If it is a custom object you have to load the containing addon with your map. Obviously the p3d can´t be found where it should be...

Ok, so when I binarize the map, in the .pbo of my map should also be a ca/nameofobject etc ???

Or am I wrong?

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No mate, ive got the "Clutter_Grass_Wheat" from the Podagorsk map, just experimenting with it on my map, its all ArmA2 im working with just now, ive got the "rvmat" "paa" and the "p3d" for the object, ive put it in my CA folder because thats where it should be, Ive followed the directions from the "$PBOPREFIX$" .. now it loads in to Visitor3, and I can see it clearly etc, but once binarized its not in game and I get that error! :(

Your not explaining yourself very clear.

- Did you rip Clutter_Grass_Wheat files out of another PBO, and intend to just use the files?

- or are you intending to just have your map be dependant on the Podagorsk map? ie, Your map won't work unless the player also installs Podagorsk

- If you ripped the files, do you have permission to use?

If you ripped the files, you can place inside your own project ... NOT CA !

You can ONLY do this successfully if you can edit the p3d file to change the path of the textures and rvmat inside.

If you can't do that, you'll have to fall back to linking your project to Podagorsk.

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Gnat;1717625']Your not explaining yourself very clear.

- Did you rip Clutter_Grass_Wheat files out of another PBO' date=' and intend to just use the files?

- or are you intending to just have your map be dependant on the Podagorsk map? ie, Your map won't work unless the player also installs Podagorsk

- If you ripped the files, do you have permission to use?

If you ripped the files, you can place inside your own project ... NOT CA !

You can ONLY do this successfully if you can edit the p3d file to change the path of the textures and rvmat inside.

If you can't do that, you'll have to fall back to linking your project to Podagorsk.[/quote']

No No No... sorry! yeah when I wrote that post it was like 4am here! and half asleep, I just wanted to wake up with a reply and answer for me it so I can solve my problem.

Ive got the permission to use "Clutter_Grass_Wheat" but when I asked for the configs and extra help AFTER ... I had no reply as of then! but now ive had a reply and solved it! sorry. I should of said so this post could be ignored! :D thank you Gnat.

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