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Operation Arrowhead - Tutorial bug

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Hello everyone,

I have curious bugs doing the tutorials missions in Operation Arrowhead:

First, during the tutorial "combat chopper" (I'm not sure of the title as I'm playing the French version), when it comes to the part you have to destroy vehicles. I can use missiles, rockets, and then, with the canon, I can only destroy the first two targets, and whatever I do, the shooter never fires at the third one. I tried to restart the mission over and over again, but it never worked.

Second, still playing the same tutorial, something weird appeared: the space bar used to pass the tutorial message on the right side of the screen stopped working. It kept opening the menu on the left side, but I couldn't go on on the mission as I was "blocked" by the message saying "hit space bar to continue". I restarted the game several times, reseted the command keys several times too, and nothing worked until at one moment, with no reason, it worked again. I could play for a few hours doing the next tutorials (but still not the chopper one), I exited the game, and today, as I wanted to play, same bug again...

Does anyone have a clue on how to make it work?

My game is up to date, as I got it from Steam, and updates are downloaded systematically.

Thanks to everyone who's going to take a few minutes to read this and try to help me.

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I had some problems with the tutorials when I was using mods with OA, maybe this is your problem? hope this helps.

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Thanks for your reply, but I don't think it's that as I'm not using any mod with OA. I just don't get it...

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I also have the same problem with the Attack Helicopter tutorial where my gunner will not destroy the third target with the cannon but I had no problems with the missile practice.

I use Operation Arrowhead (unmodded) and patched to v1.54.

I will try to revert and run this section of the tutorial again but the problem definately exists, I wonder if it has something to do with being too close to the targets when the cannon practice starts?

If you go to the action menu you can try selecting 'Manual Fire' and then take it out yourself with the cannon or hydra rockets see if that helps.

Edited by BigBANGtheory

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I have the same problem with the space bar no longer functioning as the "continue tutorial" key and instead just opens the Command Menu.

Help figuring this out would be appreciated.

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I get the same problem cant open up the tutorial space stops working

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