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Need help to convert a OFP Addon to Arma OA

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I ported in 10 minutes :) but we'll wait for foxes version

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I have a half-finished Balloon on my pc.I never finished it because on the half way i got the idea that i can never ever config it to fly like a balloon does.

So if there is a guy who can config it, i will finish it.



Will also have a look on this old ofp-Balloon,maybe i got the trick.

edit: Had a look for the ofp-balloon. It´s very agile. Maybe a "red Bull x-game" balloon?

Edited by Baraka

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Too bad, there is not so much interest for a balloon-flight.

One of my first thoughts coming to Cherna was how nice a relaxed flight in a balloon will be.

Will try todo it myself, but i never worked on an vehicle so it will need a bunch of days (weeks :().

Will try it like the OFP-Thing is done. Things like Wind-math are absolutely out of my knowledge.

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