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Some questions

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1) Is it possible to mod the ArmA 2 Operation arrowhead demo?

2) I have a mission setup and there is some issues. It's a mission where a downed blackhawk crew is getting rescued by a Specops unit, And when I go for exfil, The extraction helicopter(Blackhawk) comes in to land, But it gets shot at cause the LZ is hot, Is there anyway to force the heli to land? But also keeping it shooting? Cause I got it to land, But it wouldn't shoot at the enemies.

3) Is it possible to make a heli land on a rooftop for exfil? If yes, Please explain.

4) How can I make the AI Drivers(Humvee) drive like a convoy? They always drive off the road or smash into things or eachother and it ruined my mission.

Thanks for the help.

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1. No.

2. Mission help goes in the mission forum.. but set the waypoint to careless, and 'neverfire'.

3. maybe, not sure

4. try making them only 1 group, i usually do that for convoys. then i guess later on you could add them to another group


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