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Getting AI to get in a car as the driver

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This is causing a headache, searched but couldn't make out what works really.

Simple thing really.

Player moves into an area, an AI unit comes up, has a chat and tells the player to follow him to a car "AI is not grouped to the player"

Once at the car the AI unit should get in as the driver, I have the AI unit with

this assignasdriver carname in it's init line, i have a trigger around the car that has in the condition that the player and the AI unit is there, and all I want is for the AI to get into the car, and I'm using

AiIUnitName action ["getin", vehicle CarName] but that dosen't work.


AiUnitName moveindriver CarName with no luck.

What am I doing so wrong, lol

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Put this in the trigger On-Activation:

AIName assignAsDriver carname; [AIName] orderGetIn True;

Now after the A.I. unit ( AIName ) is in the trigger radius it should go in the car as driver.

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Thanks that works :)

Though this game is really starting to grate on me, I love it but it just keeps breaking.

Triggers that work perfectly for hours on end testing over and over again all of a suf=dden stop working when nothing has been changed.... currently experiancing one of these times right now .... grrrrrrr

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I'm sorry for bumping, but if I want a fully pack suv do I just change assignAsDriver to assignAsseat 1,2,3,4.......?

Edited by ray243

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got that working

Edited by ray243

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