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helo hover insertion/extraction

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ok so i read about different landing commands and according to the BI wiki if you use land "get in" or "get out" the aircraft is supposed to hover over the lz a few ft off the ground so the troops can get in/get out without the aircraft fully touching down. every time i try this, the aircraft stiff comes to a full stop on the ground. am i doing something wrong?

-helo name is huey

-waypoint set to transport unload

-in waypoint on act block: huey land "get out"

-synced transport unload with marine get out waypoint

-invisible H is placed at waypoint

tried changing transport unload to unload AND get out, still no luck.

aircraft still touches down all the way, same thing happens if i try land "get in" and is synced with marine get in waypoint? am i not putting in the right spot? or am i missing something? thanks

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Aye that'll do the trick. I sometimes have problems with just using a waypoint though, and in those instances I use a simple sqf like this:

_group = _this select 0;
_vehicle = _this select 1;
unassignvehicle _x;
_x action ["EJECT", _vehicle];
sleep 0.5;
} foreach units _group;

That'll force them out, especially useful for ensuring the player's squad is ejected if you're doing a mission with a vehicle-based insertion.

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