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Multi-language mission name

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Hi, it's possible to do multi-language mission name? I think, best will be example of what I mean. :)


class Intel



STR_RAGNOS_MISSION_NAME,"Mission title","Název mise"

Now when I export it to SP mission and go to Scenarios, name of my mission is blank string. And that's my problem. :)

I discovered that when I load mission and then go back to the menu, mission name is now visible. But after I restart the game, texts are gone again. I also tried it with stringtable.xml with same result.

Also, i have same problem in overview.html with


But multi-language overview can be done with overview.html and overview.czech.html.

Thanks for advices!

Edited by Ragnos
i've changed overview.xml > stringtable.xml

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You might wanna try a stringtable in xml format instead of the old csv one. That may work better, besides they're a lot more organized (easier to maintain, read and change).

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Still having same problem. My stringtable.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ARMA2">
<Package name="RAGNOS">
<Container name="MISSION">
<English>Mission title</English>
<Czech>Název mise</Czech>

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when I load mission and then go back to the menu, mission name is visible. But after I restart the game, texts are gone again.

The display name you see before you select the mission can be defined in the briefing html file, as far as I remember. Not the ARMA2-briefing, mind you, but the HTML document that resides in your missions root folder. Add your string there and see if it helps.

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The display name you see before you select the mission can be defined in the briefing html file, as far as I remember. Not the ARMA2-briefing, mind you, but the HTML document that resides in your missions root folder. Add your string there and see if it helps.

Thank for reply, but I don't think it's true. Where that string should be? Here?


I tried it and it's not working. I tried "STR_RAGNOS_MISSION_NAME","@STR_RAGNOS_MISSION_NAME" and "$STR_RAGNOS_MISSION_NAME".

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Thank for reply, but I don't think it's true.

It was merely a guess on my behalf. Can you add a string to the name section found under intel in the editor instead? That serves the same purpose as the HTML-document.

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It was merely a guess on my behalf. Can you add a string to the name section found under intel in the editor instead? That serves the same purpose as the HTML-document.

Yes, that's what I'm doing. Look at my first post. I can name my mission successfully, but I want multi-language possibility (link to overview). I'm starting to think it's not possible. All original mission form BIS have link in intel section, but they use link to some "global" stringtable which loads on start of the game probably.

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I have exactly the same problem. Mission name and description is blank when I'm creating LAN server. When I create it and then click back, mission description is shown, but mission name is still blank.

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