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How do you set up the PBO part for making islands!

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someone, please tell me how to install the pbo/depbo :( I cant open the files under Arma 2 addons

please help

Edited by Civilian_88

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  Civilian_88 said:
someone, please tell me how to install the pbo/depbo :( I cant open the files under Arma 2 addons

please help

Civilian_88 .. why not try looking in the sticky first? or searching it?

Here is a guide on how to do it: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2_Terrain_Tutorial

Ive highlighted the part for you also:


1: Go to P:\CA\ and create a new folder called plants2.

2: Browse to your ArmA2 main directory/Addons folder and unpack the plants2_bush, plants2_clutter, plants2_misc, plants2_tree .pbo's

How to Extract Pbo files?

Dowload the latest Versions of ExtractPbo and DePbo by Mikero at DevHeaven

Extract them right into our Tutorial partition O:\ComTools\ExtractPbo.....(xp home users extract tools to a manual folder called Com Tools in the P partition.)

Move the DePbo.dll from the dowloaded DePbo into the ..Windows\System32 folder (as explained in the readme.DePbo.txt)

Rightclick on a *.pbo and choose Open with, then point to the ExtractPbo\ExtractPbo.exe and mark the checkbox to always open this filetype with ExtractPbo.exe.

Now each time you unpack a *.pbo by doubleclick you´ll recieve a clean unpacked file with *.p3ds, config.cpp and all other stuff from the pbo.

There are of course much further ways to extract pbos and unrap config.bin's but this is a very conformable one.

3: Rename this extracted folders by removing "plants2_" of the name.

4: Cut&Paste the bush, clutter, misc and tree folders to the new created P:\CA\plants2\ folder.

5: Do the same with the building2.pbo. This time you dont need to rename anythings.

6: Now extract the Ca.pbo but only Cut&Paste the stuff inside the extracted Ca.pbo to P:\CA\

You can do this with all other pbos but for this tutorial we are only using building2&plants2.

7: When it´s done so your P:\CA\ should look as shown in the picture below. (xp home users convert all Chernarus content have folder/subfolders same name , .cpp file down in tut.)

And also check all this lot out: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=94222 its sure to help you on other things. :j:

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Sound advice above... searching the editing section (or a glance thru ZeroG's resources sticky) will find info on just about everything you need to know... Unpacking pbo's shouldn't be a Major Trauma...

I searched for "DE Pbo"... immediately found this from cctoide ...

Get Eliteness and DePbo from here. Unpack Eliteness, then put the DePbo DLL into the same folder as Eliteness. Browse to the OA PBOs with Eliteness and double-click on them, it will unpack them to a folder with the PBO's name.

plus a whole thread all about Voyager & Fleas "PBOview" - which I haven't actually tried yet but which looks superfunky...

As you see... theres a variety of tools available - it's down to personal choice really, since - after a flurry of recent updates to bring 'em in line with OA, they all work... so you must either be installing wrongly, or using wrongly...

Best try again - having read your choice of tool's readme file thoroughly... Eliteness requires pbodll installed as well, etc... if you miss a step you'll get problems...


Edited by Bushlurker

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