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[OA] ACEX M4 Carbines updated for OA's US Army soldiers

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I've updated my ACEX M4 config for OA, replacing the ACEX US Army soldiers with Arrowhead's ones.

For newcomers' information, this config adds semi- and burst-fire capable M4 Carbines usin ACEX's M4A1 models as a basis. See the readme for further info:

M4 config for ACEX M4A1s updated for OA

by Banderas

version: 0.85OA


I hope I can fill some space in ArmA 2s armory that is missed by many community members.
Simple config that adds M4 Carbines to the game, using ACEX weaponclasses, so regular US Army grunts can get their proper Semi-Burst weapons they supposed to have. As of right now I made the config only for "plain black" non-SOCOM weapon models without silencers - I don't think too many regular infantry and guardsmen are running around with silencers in the field.

This is just a config file, I didn't touch any models/textures/original configs!

This version is updated to give Operation Arrowhead's US Army soldiers M4 Carbines.
New soldiers can be found in US Army -> Men (M4) in the editor. 

Required addons: 
-Operation Arrowhead

put the BND_M4.pbo into any custom modfolder of yours (recommended) or into "x:\...\ArmA 2\Addons" folder
(not recommended).

Weapon classnames:

-BND_M4_TA01 - bugged, currently firing in full auto

Ammobox classname:


All of them are using the same mags as ACEX M4A1s (BIS STANAGs, ACE STANAGs, M203 rounds...).

Known bugs: 
-M4s use M16 sounds in burst fire mode (recommend to use ACEX_SM or Elias's soundmod, you won't experience a big difference with them);
-ACE "CQB-switching" on ACOG equipped models are missing, however it works well with OA's own CQB-sight switch ("/" key);
-since it uses existing models, they have the "M4A1" designation on them.

Future plans:

-hopefully to fix the above bugs;
-make an euipment config for US Army addons;
-add M4 with TA01NSN to the pack with working CQB sights;
-if required, to make a config for vanilla M4A1s.


Thanks for Bohemia Interactive for this great game platform we can build our own ideas on;

ACE team for their great mod;

Big thanks to Vilas, his west weapon pack gave me the idea to make this addon;

Also, a big thank you to Binkowski, his Army addons also inspired me to do this;

And I should not forget Dimitri Harkov, who helped me with the misteries of configging in the past;

Give credits, respect and regards to big addonmakers, so they keep their enthusiasm in continuing their invaluable work for the community!


You are not authorised to change, sell or use the contents for promotional purposes without permission!

This is an unofficial addon for ArmA 2, use it at your own risk!

I do not take any responsibility for any (im)possible damage/failure caused in your system, be it hardware or sofware in nature.


v 0.85OA - replaced ACEX Us Army soldier classes with OA soldiers

v 0.6 - added Weaponbox, find it in the editor at Empty -> Ammo -> BND M4 Box

v 0.5 - Initial release

Enjoy :)


Edited by Banderas

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Wait...M4A1's can go full auto aswell...Why did you only write Semi and Burst??

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He said he made regular M4's using ACEX's M4A1 models. So semi and burst, but no full auto.

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