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Add Action and script help

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I'm wanting to add addaction to an object, most likely a UAV Terminal, which says "Call for ChDKZ Chopper Support" the player saying over the radio (sidechat, dialogue...What ever is most efficient) "The enemy has overrun our positions, engage anything that moves, out!"

A Hind piloted by ChDKZ will spawn and engage anyone, including their own ChDKZ forces and yourself.

Is this possible at all, because I've not the slightest idea how to implement. :(

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The addAction would just run a script, the script would do everything else.

this addAction["Text for menu","scriptToRun.sqf"];

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This will spawn a HIND with CDF pilots.


_WestHQ = createCenter West;
_GrpCAS = CreateGroup West;
_PAPABEAR = [West,"HQ"];

_veh1 = createVehicle ["Mi24_D", [(getpos player) select 0,(getpos player) select 1, 0], [], 800, "FLY"];
_Pilot1 = _GrpCAS createUnit ["CDF_Soldier_Pilot", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_pilot1 moveInDriver _veh1;
_Pilot1g = _GrpCAS createUnit ["CDF_Soldier_Pilot", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_pilot1g moveInGunner _veh1;
_veh1 FlyInHeight 50;

{_x setSkill 1; _x setrank "CAPTAIN"} foreach units _GrpCAS;

sleep 1;

[_pilot1, _pilot2] joinSilent switch;

_GrpCAS = group switch;

_GrpCAS selectLeader _Pilot1;

deletevehicle switch;

sleep 1;

_wp1 = _GrpCAS addwaypoint [position player, 0];
_wp1 setwaypointtype "SAD";
_wp1 setWaypointCompletionRadius 100;
_wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
_wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";

_PAPABEAR SideChat "The enemy has overrun our positions, engage anything that moves, out!";

Place the addaction below into your UAV Terminal, "CAS" stands for close air support.

this addAction["Call for ChDKZ Chopper Support","CAS.sqf"];

Hope this helps!:D

Edited by cobra4v320

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player sideChat "The enemy has overrun our positions, engage anything that moves, out!";

Spawn the helo with:

_spawn = [getMarkerPos "helospawn", random(359), "Mi24_D", WEST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;

Make sure you have the Functions Module on the map.

As for getting them to attack friendlies... not something I can help with. :)


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As for getting them to attack friendlies... not something I can help with. :)

What about "joinsilent" on the enemy side, then possibly deleting the unit they joined? Added to my script above.

Also is ChDKZ CDF???

Edited by cobra4v320

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Thank you so much for this, I appreciate it.

Also the ChDKZ are the Chedaki Insurgents.

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Also the ChDKZ are the Chedaki Insurgents.

Oops! The unit I used above was CDF. heh

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Don't think so, since the method I used uses SpawnVehicle which puts the proper side people in the vehicle regardless of what SIDE you put. In another example I was accidentally using GUE forces instead of EAST and they kept getting killed and I was sooo confused!

Cobra's example would work since you're specifying the type of crew for the vehicle.

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Cobra's example use CDF as well. Check stickies for class names.

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I replaced




In the CAS.sqf, since GUE are hostile to all, is that pretty much all to change?

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The important thing is the 'createGroup'. But change all references to 'west'.

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One more question, how do I make it so you can only call it one time? Right now you can call it as many times as you want.

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