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Medic support (waypoint)

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Just been reading through the ArmA Mission Editor entry on the BI wiki, when i noticed this entry regarding the 'Support' waypoint.

Support - A group with a current waypoint of this type will move to the waypoint's position, then wait until it can provide support for another group that requests relevant support using "Call Support" command menu. At this time, the waiting group will proceed to the location where support was called for, disembark from any vehicles is possesses and wait for the supported group to declare "Support Done" before continuing to wait to respond to any further calls for support from their new location. Only groups with a medic, ambulance, fuel, ammo or repair vehicles can respond to support requests. In the case of multiple support groups, the first placed available group will always respond first, irrespective of distance. While this is a powerful waypoint type it requires diligence on the part of any human leaders, as they must announce "Support Done" to allow the AI support group to continue being able to provide support. AI leaders also tend to request that every single appropriate support group attends them. AI will not take a support group's vulnerability into consideration when requesting support.

My Bold, correct me if i'm wrong but does this mean that if I, in command of group A, ask group B, who has a medic, to support me, group B will arrive and starting healing my units? Or is this just wishfull thinking :(.

Edited by karskin
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Just been reading through the ArmA Mission Editor entry on the BI wiki, when i noticed this entry regarding the 'Support' waypoint.

My Bold, correct me if i'm wrong but does this mean that if I, in command of group A, ask group B, who has a medic, to support me, group B will arrive and starting healing my units? Or is this just wishfull thinking :(.

If you give Group B a support waypoint, then yes.

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Yeah give it a try for this is a totally neat feature. Let's have a medic team (medics, ambulance or even a med-chopper which is awesome too) and simply give them a support-waypoint right next to them. They will wait until anyone from the same side calls in support (which the AI does by itself!) and then they will move out to where they are needed. No further scripting needed. Radio calls and all inclusive.

This simple setup may lead to very nice situations without much work. And it works with repair trucks and similiar stuff too! (though it may lead to rather stupid actions, driving unarmed support into hostile territory.. so be carefull and plan wisely)

And don't just assign such teams to your side. Let's have some supporting units for the enemy too! :)

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You can also just have a regular squad, give them a corpsman and support waypoint, and all of a sudden have a VERY simple reinforcement system for the AI.

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