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Improve bad Indoor lightning?

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one thing that annoys me since ArmA (ArmA1?, can't remember if it was there too) is the - nicely put - seriously bad indoor lightning. Try walking into a (closed, with few windows) OA building or Chernarus one with bright clothes... after some second your face and clothes will light up like a christmas tree.

I also have this problem with custom models now. As I created a tileset for a totally closed (-> no outside lightning) structure aka. spaceship interior, the lightning ingame is bad. At normal settings, everything will turn as bright as angels. I allready tried to use different time of the day etc. but that didn't do much good.

The only thing that worked partially was to disable post processing and set gamma+brightness to the lowest settings possible (0.5). This however lead to partial very dark areas depending on the angle and doesn't seem very practical.

So, my question is if anyone allready has stood before the same problem or has some ideas on how to approach this. Maybe there is something about the model that I can change in O2? Or rvmats? Use PPeffects?

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try in o2 to select the objects/faces and press shift+e and in he lighting options choose always in shadow

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