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how do you place buildings in the editor

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hi i was wondering how do you place buildings in the editor.

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I know this is a very old thread, but if I use the above code to place an object on my map, how do I turn it (change the direction of the object)?


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After it is created just do a setdir on it.

myBuilding setdir 90;

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Also, in the kylania example, within a multiplayer game it will create a building for each machine/player connected.

Put it on the init.sqf instead:

if (isServer) then
  _myBuilding = createVehicle ["Land_Hlidac_Budka_EP1", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"] ;  //New createVehicle array command
  _myBuilding setDir _dir;
  _myBuilding setPosATL _pos;  //Syncronize direction over network


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After it is created just do a setdir on it.

myBuilding setdir 90;

Thank you!

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other posible solution its load a addon that adds the buildings that have classname to the editor. There are 2 or 3, you will only need to load it to edit the mission, but it won't be necesary to have any addon to play it, note that i am refering to the ones that only adds the buildings with classname. There are other addons that includes also some buildings without classname, those would require the addon to play the mission so maybe not what you want.

I dont remember the addon name but it may be one of this (or all :P):





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