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About Papahyooie

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  1. Papahyooie

    Raptors, Zombies and more!

    What is the current version?
  2. Papahyooie

    Raptors, Zombies and more!

    Love the work so far! The previous script I was using to spawn raptors (Fulcrum mission system) is no longer maintained and one of the Arma updates broke it, so I'm so glad someone else has taken up the mantle. Is this still in development? The reason I ask is I'm still having the problem of 80% of the raptors are all lying on the ground. They scream and will bite you if you walk up close enough, but they do not move. I read back in the thread that this was supposed to be fixed a couple of versions back, but I am running the latest version and still having the problem. Also, my RPT is heavily spammed with : 10:49:51 Error in expression <t 1) + (cos _dir) * _dist, 0]; }; if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then { _pos = nil; > 10:49:51 Error position: <surfaceIsWater _pos) then { _pos = nil; > 10:49:51 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number 10:49:51 File babe_raptors_modules\func\AM\fn_agentcache.sqf, line 41 10:49:51 Error in expression <l; }; if (!isNil "_pos") then { _agent setpos _pos; }; > 10:49:51 Error position: <setpos _pos; }; > 10:49:51 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number 10:49:51 File babe_raptors_modules\func\AM\fn_agentcache.sqf, line 48 My log file got up to 2gb in size on one four hour stretch, and Notepad++ wasn't able to open it anymore. Any insight as to why this is happening would be amazing. Thanks for the great work!
  3. Papahyooie

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I appreciate the insight. I don't appreciate the disparaging remarks, but I can't say I didn't expect them all things considered. The nature of exile means that if we added modules and spawners in mission.sqm, server fps would drop far below playable levels. The spawning script that is available to us doesn't use them, and we effectively cannot use them. I have pored over the code for both this mod and the exile spawn script trying to figure out how to make it work, and have not come up with an answer. The spawn script HAS variables for these things, but they do not seem to work at all, and the guy that wrote it doesn't have any answers either. He is the one who suggested asking here. I realize this isn't your script and therefore not your problem, but I was hoping maybe there was just something we were missing. I appreciate your help. I appreciate your help as well, and thank you for your great work. I've tried this as well, but this would require all my players to download a custom version of the mod. Once again, due to the nature of exile, this won't work as I would never get any traffic outside of my own clan. Thanks again, guys.
  4. Papahyooie

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I know that you're probably hating being flooded with Exile questions... But I figured I'd try anyway. Since Exile doesn't use the spawning and module system, is there ANY way we can change the amount of damage the units do, or how much health they have? Currently the only spawn system we have for exile doesn't seem to be able to, and the demon zombies are one-shotting players, while being able to take 10 or 12 headshots. Is there anything we can do to change that?