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Game DX crash "DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED" on Windows 10 with Intel HD 4000

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I know this kind of problem was discussed here before. The game crashes randomly during playing both single player and MP. I have upgraded my OS from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Since then, I'm getting this error. I know it is driver related. I also know, that the last stable driver version was 2932. However, since I am on Windows 10, I can no longer use this driver. Does anyone know solution to the problem? Is it possible to install this driver on Windows 10 somehow?
I have found the thread about this issue at intel forums, which is still active (and two years old) - https://communities.intel.com/message/214368#214368.
Is Bohemia doing something about this (Intel HD 4000 is listed in the minimal requirements)? should I expect an update, or should I downgrade back to Windows 7?

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If anyone is still wondering, I guess I may have found a solution.


I have turned off the paging file saving in virtual memory management. I have played for 3 hours without crash, so maybe it helped. However, I think you need a lot of RAM in order use this solution...

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nevermind, it started crashing again

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