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I am using LARS compositions spawn-er and it has stopped working. The creator is not currently responding and hasn't be active since July. here is the error message _wp |#|setWaypointCombatMode _mode; _wp setWayp... Error Foreign error: Unknown enum value: "" File LaRs\Functions\fn_createComp.sqf [LaRs_fnc_createComp], line 1201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- here is the code from LaRs\Functions\fn_createComp.sqf. Line 1201 is highlighted. Let me know if the whole file is required. //***** //WAYPOINTS //***** private _fnc_spawnWaypoint = { private [ "_position", "_ATLOffset", "_placement", "_compRadius", "_mode", "_formation", "_speed", "_behaviour", "_description", "_condition" ]; params[ "_cfg", "_group" ]; _position = getArray( _cfg >> "position" ); _ATLOffset = getNumber( _cfg >> "atlOffset" ); //_position = [ _position, _ATLOffset ] call _fnc_getPosition; _position = [ objNull, _position, [0,0,0], _ATLOffset ] call _fnc_setPositionandRotation; _placement = getNumber( _cfg >> "placement" ); _compRadius = getNumber( _cfg >> "completitionRadius" ); _mode = getText( _cfg >> "combatMode" ); _formation = getText( _cfg >> "formation" ); _speed = getText( _cfg >> "speed" ); _behaviour = getText( _cfg >> "combat" ); _description = getText( _cfg >> "description" ); _condition = [ ( _cfg >> "expCond" ), "TXT", "true" ] call _fnc_getCfgValue; //TODO: does this need defering private [ "_onAct", "_name", "_script", "_timeout", "_show", "_type" ]; _onAct = getText( _cfg >> "expActiv" ); _name = getText( _cfg >> "name" ); _script = getText( _cfg >> "script" ); _timeout = [ getNumber( _cfg >> "timeoutMin" ), getNumber( _cfg >> "timeoutMid" ), getNumber( _cfg >> "timeoutMax" ) ]; _show = getText( _cfg >> "showWP" ); _type = getText( _cfg >> "type" ); private [ "_effectCondition", "_effectSound", "_effectVoice", "_effectSoundEnvironment", "_effectMusic", "_effectTitle", "_wp" ]; _effectCondition = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "condition" ); //TODO: does this need defering _effectSound = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "sound" ); _effectVoice = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "voice" ); _effectSoundEnvironment = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "soundEnv" ); _effectMusic = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "track" ); _effectTitle = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "title" ); _wp = _group addWaypoint[ ASLToATL _position, _placement, count waypoints _group, _name]; _wp setWaypointType _type; _wp setWaypointCompletionRadius _compRadius; _wp setWaypointCombatMode _mode; _wp setWaypointFormation _formation; _wp setWaypointSpeed _speed; _wp setWaypointBehaviour _behaviour; _wp setWaypointDescription _description; _wp setWaypointStatements[ _condition, _onAct ]; _wp setWaypointTimeout _timeout; _wp showWaypoint _show; _wp setWaypointScript _script; //TODO: Effects need testing _wp setEffectCondition _effectCondition; _wp setSoundEffect [ _effectSound, _effectVoice, _effectSoundEnvironment, "" ]; _wp setMusicEffect _effectMusic; switch ( true ) do { case ( isClass( missionConfigFile >> "RscTitles" >> _effectTitle ) ) : { _wp setTitleEffect [ "RES", "", _effectTitle ]; }; case ( isClass( configFile >> "CfgTitles" >> _effectTitle ) ) : { _wp setTitleEffect [ "OBJECT", "", _effectTitle ]; }; default { if ( _effectTitle != "" ) then { _wp setTitleEffect [ "TEXT", "PLAIN", _effectTitle ]; }; }; }; _wp }; //**********
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- addwaypoint
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