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Extension to make http requests, currently supporting: GET POST PATCH DELETE PUT First parameter is the mode. Second is the method. Third is the url. Fourth is the authorization, if no authorization needed just pass null Fifth is the request body, only used by POST, PATCH and PUT, if no body needed just pass {} GET request example: "ArmaRequests" callExtension "0|GET||null"; waitUntil {sleep 1; "ArmaRequests" callExtension "2" == "OK"}; _response = "ArmaRequests" callExtension "1"; _parsedResponse = parseSimpleArray _response; _code = _parsedResponse select 0; _data = _parsedResponse select 1; //Response => [["X-Cloud-Trace-Context","47e3637379c2b3d638285b973e0e4f96/4228286279360018440"],["Host",""]] POST request example: "ArmaRequests" callExtension '0|POST|url|Bot ksZc83aS|{"Number": 4, "String": "String"}'; waitUntil {sleep 1; "ArmaRequests" callExtension "2" == "OK"}; _response = "ArmaRequests" callExtension "1"; _parsedResponse = parseSimpleArray _response; _code = _parsedResponse select 0; _data = _parsedResponse select 1; Every response comes with a status code 0: All data received 1: There's still data to receive 9: Error The codes you can use are 0: New request 1: Receive data 2: Get extension status 3: Parse JSON //Example: "ArmaRequests" callExtensions '3|{"age": 80}'; Due to string length limitations, if the response exceeds that limit it will be sent in chunks with status code 1, to receive the chunk use _fullResponse = ""; // _chunkResponse = "ArmaRequests" callExtension "1"; _parsedChunkResponse = parseSimpleArray _chunkResponse; _code = _chunkResponse select 0; _data = _chunkResponse select 1; _fullResponse = _fullResponse + _data; //You must repeat the receiving process until it responds with a code 0 When there's no more data left, it will respond with a code 0. JSON responses are automatically parsed into arrays, all common variables type are supported. Example code _fullResponse = ""; "ArmaRequests" callExtension "0|GET||null"; //Send request waitUntil {sleep 1; "ArmaRequests" callExtension "2" == "OK"}; _response = "ArmaRequests" callExtension "1"; _parsedResponse = parseSimpleArray _response; //Parse response _code = _parsedResponse select 0; //Save code and data _data = _parsedResponse select 1; if (_code != 9) then { //Check if is a error _fullResponse = _data; //Assign the data in the full response while {_code == 1} do { //if there's more data receive it _chunkResponse = "ArmaRequests" callExtension "1"; //Receive next chunk data _parsedChunkResponse = parseSimpleArray _chunkResponse; //Parse the chunk data _code = _parsedChunkResponse select 0; //Update the status code _data = _parsedChunkResponse select 1; //Save the data if (_code == 9) exitWith {hint "Error : " + _data;}; //Check if is a error _fullResponse = _fullResponse + _data; //Append the chunk to the full response }; hint str _fullResponse; } else { hint "Error during request " + _data; }; There's also a callback version "ArmaRequestsCallback" callExtension "callbackFunction|Method|url|authorization?|body?"; Example using callback version and normal version TAG_fnc_DiscordMessageSent = { params["_data"]; //[["id","651314298001424405"],["type",0],["content","Hello"],["channel_id","649607925760786442"],["author",[["id","629121190182780929"],["username","Fantasia"],["avatar",null],["discriminator","2964"],["bot",true]]],["attachments",[]],["embeds",[]],["mentions",[]],["mention_roles",[]],["pinned",false],["mention_everyone",false],["tts",false],["timestamp","2019-12-03T06:50:29.478000+00:00"],["edited_timestamp",null],["flags",0],["nonce",null]] _content = (_data select 2) select 1; _username = (((_data select 4) select 1) select 1) select 1; _channelId = (_data select 3) select 1; "ArmaRequests" callExtension format["0|GET||Bot TOKEN|{}", _channelId]; waitUntil {sleep 1; "ArmaRequests" callExtension "2" == "OK"}; _channelData = (parseSimpleArray ("ArmaRequests" callExtension "1")) select 1; _channelName = (_channelData select 3) select 1; _guildId = (_channelData select 7) select 1; "ArmaRequests" callExtension format["0|GET||Bot TOKEN|{}", _guildId]; waitUntil {sleep 1; "ArmaRequests" callExtension "2" == "OK"}; _guildData = (parseSimpleArray ("ArmaRequests" callExtension "1")) select 1; _guildName = (_guildData select 1) select 1; hint format["Sent %1 as %2 in the channel %3 of the guild %4", _content, _username, _channelName, _guildName]; }; addMissionEventHandler ["ExtensionCallback", { params["_name", "_function", "_data"]; if (_name == "ArmaRequestsCallback_JSON") then { [parseSimpleArray _data] spawn (missionNamespace getVariable [_function, { diag_log format["ArmaRequestsCallback: Tried to call %1, but isn't defined", _function]; }]); }; if (_name == "ArmaRequestsCallback_Error") then { hint "Request error: " + _data; }; if (_name == "ArmaRequestsCallback_TEXT") then { systemChat _data; }; }]; "ArmaRequestsCallback" callExtension "TAG_fnc_DiscordMessageSent|POST||Bot BOT|{""content"": ""Hello"", ""tts"": false}"; Download link:
Tools for game master on reforger xbox/pc both
Gu3rilla9one posted a topic in Arma Reforger - General
Arma3 has 'triggers' to start and end an objective/task/action ect.. It would be so nice to beable to do things like that in game master on arma reforger. Any chance the development team might feel like granting us that ability with our created scenarios/campaigns , also possibly a list of placeable objectives we could choose from for each faction sort of like when placing safezones and such , instead itd be objective zone and in properties we just slect which objective it would be sort of like combat ops objectives even having a small list would be appreciated example only for refrence (hostage rescue,kill/capture HVT, disrupt communications/arms deal(adding an arms supplier in the civilian faction with the ability to select which faction its friendly with in property settings) maybe adding in a prisoner and hostage/s in the civilian faction could work also, but also gather intel , and destroy/steal vehicle/s ,etc.. when that new update comes out to increase AI capabilities these things would be so much more effective to create supply drops ,exfil , deployments and air support/QRF/MEDEVAC etc.. At least please development team think on it please please please you guys have so much more opportunity now more then ever to include console players with some of the capabilities currently on PC scenario creating but within reason of course.